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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Zap Programs With Electronic Gun

Jonathan Storm Philadelphia Inquirer

“Honey, are you making sauerkraut?”

“Oh, Sweetie, you don’t have to worry. Now there’s Gassy-OD. Just take one a half-hour before….

Hasta la vista, baby. BANG! BANG!

“Well, Marv, you know, it was a real team effort tonight, and I was just takin’ ‘em one shot at time, and I can’t thank….

Book ‘em, Danno. BLAMMO! BLAMMO! BLAMMO!

Are you talkin’ to ME? You think I care if “Book ‘em, Danno” makes sense? Hey, I got a .45 automatic, Buster, and I can use it - on my VCR and my TV set and my cable box. I can zap every single corner of the freakin’ 500-channel universe, and don’t you forget it!

The T.V. Terminator, a remote control shaped like a gun, has incredible psychological power. It even emits cheesy popgun sound effects, perfectly suited to all those cheesy TV moments.

I don’t need a V-chip to protect me and my family from TV’s sex and violence, its crass commercialism and stupidity. I’ve got a gun.

The T.V. Terminator can be a little tricky to program, but it’s supposed to work with any TV, VCR or cable box.
