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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Nic Men Schedule New Foe For Nov. 7 Basketball Opener

North Idaho College’s season-opening men’s basketball game will go on, but against a different opponent.

A national team from Israel, the scheduled foe on Nov. 7 at NIC’s Christianson Gym, has canceled and been replaced by Silute, a team currently in third place in the Lithuanian league.

Silute is scheduled to play against Montana on Nov. 8 and Gonzaga on Nov. 14.

Free hoop clinic

NIC will hold a free basketball clinic for area high school coaches Tuesday at Christianson Gym.

NIC men’s team coaches Hugh Watson and Mark White will be the speakers from 2 p.m.-3 p.m. Coaches are invited to watch NIC practice from 3-5.

NIC’s women will practice from 5-7 and coaches Greg Crimp and Kristi Johnson will speak from 7-8.

High school coaches interested in attending should contact NIC athletic director Jim Headley at (208) 769-3351.

, DataTimes