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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Slice We Knew It Was A Special Place, Just Not How Special

Episcopal Bishop Jeff Terry asked some young children to tell him where Jesus was baptized.

“Moses Lake,” said one.

How we’re seen over in slugs land: “We think of Eastern Washington - if we think of it at all - as a place to be passed through as we fly over vast farmlands or speed along Interstate 90.” - from The Seattle Times

Now don’t waste your time and energy getting all defensive. Just consider this a reality check.

If Leonard Riley turned his home into a bed and breakfast, he’d call it: “The Life of Riley.”

She patched up Flying Forts: “I am responding to your paragraph concerning the elderly stranger who could have been a tail-gunner or a riveter,” wrote Lila Wieber. “Been there. I was a riveter (here in Spokane) … It was very evident we are slowing up when I visited the B-17 when it was here. I wanted to get up in it like I used to do. My son was with me and he said ‘Can you do it?’ I said, ‘I will,’ and I did, but it was a struggle. I noticed I wasn’t the only one having trouble.

“We may be slowing up on the outside but inside we are still young.”

Tube notes: 1. One thing that can be said for School District 81’s cable TV offerings is that viewers have plenty of chances to catch segments that they might have missed the first 40,000 times they appeared. 2. We’ve seen the season-opening episode of “Mystery Science Theater 3000” (it airs on the Sci-Fi channel, February 1). And it’s looking more and more as if the producers of this once-special show just didn’t know when to quit. 3. When women ask “Are you listening to me or are you watching TV?” it unfairly implies that men are incapable of doing both. 4. Forget football. It’s the commercials during the Super Bowl that tell you what America is all about.

Pet Names Department: A friend told us about some neighbors who called their dog “Family Man.”

Our friend couldn’t say for sure, but we’re betting that the name came from a memorable scene in “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

Warm-up questions: What got left out in your car overnight and froze? What’s the least used set of stairs in a public place in the Spokane area? Was planning and executing the first lunar landing probably simpler than trying to go to lunch with three or more of your co-workers?

, DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Drawing

MEMO: Today’s Slice question: Who’s the hardest working man/woman in the Inland Northwest? The Slice appears Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098. We listen to every message and read every letter.

Today’s Slice question: Who’s the hardest working man/woman in the Inland Northwest? The Slice appears Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098. We listen to every message and read every letter.