Idaho Records
Building permits Shoshone County
Jerry Farnsworth, Mullan, garage, valued at $8,658.
Fred Fuechsel, Elizabeth Park, roof, valued at $5,000.
Bisaro Bros., Sunny Slopes, garage, valued at $12,230.
Coeur d’Alene
Excell Construction, 5083 Building Center Drive, commercial office/warehouse, valued at $85,000.
Bestway Builders, 1148 Tamara, residence, valued at $90,500.
Shorewood Homes, 5794 Lachaise, residence, valued at $70,000.
Pro-Built Inc., 512 Fourth St., residence remodel, valued at $20,000.
R.G. Development, 1618 and 1620 Best Ave., duplex, valued at $124,000.
Cook’s Inc., 3802 Industrial Drive, commercial site development, valued at $14,925.
Kootenai Roofing, 924 Sherman Ave., commercial re-roof, valued at $5,485.
Ginno Construction, 5757 Dalton Ave., commercial bluegrass park/rest area, valued at $60,000.
Panhandle Roofing, 3656 Pine Ridge Drive, residence re-roof, valued at $6,940.
Idaho Homes, 4921 Duncan Drive, commercial footing/foundation, valued at $10,000.
Mike McCarty, 1754 Tullis Drive, residence basement finish, valued at $6,000.
Elias Hawatmeth, 821 Fourth St., commercial beauty shop, valued at $12,000.
Viking Construction, 4041 Deerfield, residence basement finish, valued at $6,000.
Saniel Hoffert, 1309 Stiner Ave., residence addition, valued at $44,760.
Kootenai County
Jim Thorpe, Coeur d’Alene, garage/carport, valued at $28,333.
Albert Whitehead, Worley, residence, valued at $102,739.
Terry Thompson, Rathdrum, residence, valued at $214,407.
Doug and Sharon Edwards, Rathdrum, residence, valued at $111,558.
Timothy Merck, Hayden, garage/carport, valued at $12,027.
Larry Sherman, Athol, residence, valued at $78,722.
Bruce Williams, Hayden, residence addition, valued at $19,358.
Elijah House Inc., Post Falls, duplex, valued at $136,198.
David Boyer, Post Falls, pole barn, valued at $13,392.
James Porter, Hayden Lake, residence, valued at $56,832.
Johnathon Kohoutek, Post Falls, residence, valued at $15,594.
Steve Cole, Athol, pole barn, valued at $25,779.
Larry Field, Coeur d’Alene, pole barn, valued at $12,052.
E & O Holdings, Coeur d’Alene, residence addition, valued at $6,289.
Patricia Miller, Post Falls, residence, valued at $140,692.
John Ward, Athol, residence, valued at $150,771.
Ray and Nancy Watson, Worley, pole barn, valued at $85,932.
Denali Vandals Inc., Athol, residence, valued at $150,885.
Lewis Shineflew, Post Falls, pole barn, valued at $6,696.
Jenny Cheatham, Athol, pole barn, valued at $16,070.
Carol Bailey (Dex Bailey Tires), Hayden, commercial, valued at $40,606.
Alex Ritter, Coeur d’Alene, residence addition, valued at $44,277.
John Broughton, Athol, pole barn, valued at $6,286.
Philip Margraff, Coeur d’Alene, pole barn, valued at $11,160.
Marilyn Shields, Coeur d’Alene, residence reroof, valued at $12,949.
Ellen Larsen, Rathdrum, barn/ag use, valued at $16,666.
Howard Griffiths, Athol, pole barn, valued at $18,900.
Ed and Terry Brown, Rathdrum, residence, valued at $140,398.
Post Falls
Shorewood Homes Inc., 3255 Casey Court, residence, valued at $64,987.
Shorewood Homes Inc., 3295 Casey Court, residence, valued at $64,987.
Panhandle Roofing, Potlatch Road, commercial roof repair, valued at $23,500.
Solar Design Homes, 3051 Seltice Way, model shell, valued at $67,845.
Hallmark Homes Inc., 1620 Stagecoach Drive, residence, valued at $53,830.
Hallmark Homes Inc., 1860 Stagecoach Drive, residence, valued at $62,914.
Rainbow Construction, 1002 Second Ave., residence, valued at $50,217.
Michael Youngwirth, 1703 Post St., residence, valued at $52,203.
Petersen Homes, 316 Coho Road, residence, valued at $100,789.
, DataTimes