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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

You’d think eyelashes 4 inches long would make an animal look outlandish. And they would, too, if that animal, the elephant, didn’t have a trunk. Everything is relative.

Q. What proportion of U.S. towns rely entirely on well water?

A. Two out of three.

It’s reported of cockroaches that they love bananas - not as much as they love sex, but more than anything else.

Q. Experts say the first-born child tends to show a lifelong craving for recognition. If so, why?

A. Theories vary. One suggests the first-born goes into competition for recognition the day the second-born arrives, and that sets the pattern. Did I mention a disproportionate number of first-borns are to be found among politicians and striptease dancers?

Q. Where in the Bible does it say, “Cleanliness is next to godliness”?

A. Nowhere therein. Methodist Church founder John Wesley said that. And eventually it became the reconditioned proverb now favored by television program directors: “Cleanliness is next to impossible.”

What era followed the “Iron Age”? Some say “Drip Dry.”

Civil War families who wanted the bodies of their dead shipped home had to pay the costs.

Corn is grass.