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Taste Their Thai

Looking for a little something to spice up the annual post-holiday diet drudgery?

Spokane’s Rock City Grill bottles its Thai peanut sauce, a sprightly concoction of coconut milk, lemon juice, red chili flakes, cilantro and peanut butter.

Along with its trademark Thai pizza, the downtown eatery uses the spicy-sweet sauce in a calzone, over pasta, as a salad dressing and in a panino sandwich. You can probably think of plenty of places for it in your own kitchen. Hey, it might even make those rice cakes more palatable.

Price: $4.95 for 16 ounces.

Available: In Spokane at Rock City Grill, 505 W. Riverside (455-4400).

, DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Color photo

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Do you know of a new, unusual or just plain good food item? Tell us about it at Food Finds, Features Department, The Spokesman-Review, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210. Call 459-5446; fax 459-5098.