Auction to benefit Festival at Sandpoint
The Timber Stand Gallery in Sandpoint is holding its second annual silent auction to benefit the Festival at Sandpoint. Auction items will be featured today at the festival finale during the pre-concert Taste of the Stars wine tasting from 4:30 to 7 p.m. This will be the last chance to make a bid on more than 20 items ranging from limited-edition prints by Stephen Lyman to originals by such artists as Timothy Thies of Coeur d’Alene, who has won several national awards and been featured in numerous magazines throughout his career.
Also featured during the tasting will be artist Mike Wise, who will demonstrate his painting style and auction off an original at 7 p.m.
For more information, call (208) 263-7748.
“ Auditions for the Lake City Playhouse’s season-opening production of “A Shayna Maidel,” a drama about a family dealing with events of the Holocaust, will be Aug. 30-31 at 6:30 p.m. at Harding Family Center meeting room, 411 N. 15th St., Coeur d’Alene.
Director Tracey Benson is looking for two men and four women, age 13 and older. A prepared monologue is optional; there will be cold readings. Call (208) 667-1323 for more information.
“ Pend Oreille Players will hold auditions for its upcoming production of “Play On” Sept. 7-8 at 6 p.m. at the Sadie Halstead Middle School auditorium in Newport, Wash. Needed are five men and six women ages young adult to seniors. Performance dates are Nov. 6-21. For more information call (509) 447-2180.
“ Spokane Civic Theatre will hold auditions for the Studio Theatre’s season opener, “The Colored Museum,” Sept. 7-8 at 7 p.m. Director Bryan Jackson is looking for eight to nine African American adults for multiple roles. Auditioners should prepare a one-minute poem or monologue; there will be cold readings and some singing involved.
Auditions will be held in the Studio Theatre in the lower level of the Civic, 1020 N. Howard St., downstairs entrance on Dean Avenue. For more information, call 325-2507 or see
Seeking artists
The fifth annual Walla Walla Valley Quilt Festival Committee is inviting entries into the festival quilt challenge, titled “Baskets and Blooms.” Quilters may choose their own fabrics to create an entry and quilts may be pieced and/or appliqued and embellished in any way.
Quilts will be displayed Sept. 24-26. For more information, call (541) 938-6130 or see
Betty Jean Billups of Sandpoint recently received an award certificate and $1,000 cash for her painting “I Am the Sunlight” in a competition sponsored by International Artist Magazine, a publication in Australia. Billups, a member of Plein Air Painters of America, also was asked by the magazine to write an instructional book on plein air painting.
Classes and workshops
“ Holy Names Music Center will begin its fall season Aug. 30 with voice lessons and music lessons for all instruments. All levels of skill are accepted, including beginners. Classes are held at the center, 3910 W. Custer Drive, Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Call 326-9516 or see for more information.
“ Mamady Keita West African Drumming workshops will be held Sept. 4-5 at The Dancing Place, 39 W. Pacific Ave. Several 90-minute classes will be offered each day. Classes are $20 each, with an advanced class on Sept. 5 for $35. Call 624-7573 for more information.
“ Spokane Art School, 920 N. Howard St., will begin fall classes and workshops in visual arts on Sept. 13. Classes are available for children and adults. Call 328-0900 for more information.