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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Best-selling books

The Spokesman-Review


1. “The Dark Tower”

Stephen King (Donald M. Grant/Scribner, $35)

2. Incubus Dreams”

Laurell K. Hamilton (Berkley, $23.95)

3. “Trace”

Patricia Cornwell (Putnam, $26.95)

4.The Da Vinci Code”

Dan Brown (Doubleday, $24.95)

5. Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell”

Susanna Clarke (Bloomsbury, $27.95)

6. The Plot Against America”

Philip Roth (Houghton Mifflin, $26)

7.The Five People You Meet in


Mitch Albom (Hyperion, $19.95)

8. Are You Afraid of the Dark?”

Sidney Sheldon (Morrow, $25.95)

9. “Shopaholic & Sister”

Sophie Kinsella (Dial, $23)


1. “America (The Book)”

Jon Stewart, Ben Karlin and David Javerbaum (Warner, $24.95)

2. “The Family”

Kitty Kelley (Doubleday, $29.95)

3. “Unfit for Command”

John E. O’Neill and Jerome R. Corsi (Regnery, $27.95)

4. “Between a Rock and a Hard Place”

Aron Ralston (Atria, $26)

5. “Chain of Command”

Seymour M. Hersh (HarperCollins, $25.95)

6. “Eats, Shoots & Leaves”

Lynne Truss (Gotham, $17.50)

7. “American Soldier”

Tommy Franks (ReganBooks/HarperCollins, $27.95)

8. “Confessions of an Heiress”

Paris Hilton/Merle Ginsberg (Fireside/Simon & Schuster, $22)

9. “Patriot Reign”

Michael Holley (Morrow, $23.95)

Paperback fiction

1. Blow Fly”

Patricia Cornwell (Berkley, $7.99)

2. “Winner Takes All”

Nora Roberts (Silhouette, $7.99)

3. The Big Bad Wolf”

James Patterson (Warner, $7.99)

4. Safe Harbour”

Danielle Steel (Dell, $7.99)

5. “Angels & Demons”

Dan Brown (Pocket Star, $7.99)

6. “A Lady of His Own”

Stephanie Laurens (Avon, $6.99)

7. Split Second”

David Baldacci (Warner Vision, $7.99)

8. “The Kite Runner”

Khaled Hosseini (Riverhead, $14)

9. The Killing Hour”

Lisa Gardner (Bantam, $7.99)

Paperback nonfiction

1. “The 9/11 Commission Report”

(Norton, $10)

2. “Friday Night Lights”

H. G. Bissinger (Da Capo, $15.95/$7.99)

3. “Reading Lolita in Tehran”

Azar Nafisi (Random House, $13.95)

4. “Heart Full of Lies”

Ann Rule (Pocket, $7.99)

5. “Who’s Looking Out For You?”

Bill O’Reilly (Broadway, $14)

6. “Flyboys”

James Bradley (Back Bay/Little, Brown, $14.95)

7. “Tuesdays With Morrie”

Mitch Albom (Broadway, $11.95)

8. “The Devil in the White City”

Erik Larson (Vintage, $14.95)