Culinary calendar
Introduction to Wine Tasting - Explore wine history, background on grape growing and winemaking and the adventure of tasting. Today, 6:30 p.m., Vino, 838-1229. Cost: $35/prepaid. 838-1229.
Greek Dinner Festival 2004 - Presented by Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Thursday-Saturday, pastries available daily from noon, dinner served from 4:30-8 p.m., dine-in or carry-out, 1703 N. Washington St. Dinner: $12/adults, $6/under age 12. 328-9310.
An Introduction to Latin Culture – With themed dinners, Hispanic art, crafts, music and guest speakers from Spokane’s Hispanic community. Themed dinners are South America on Friday, Central America on Oct. 1; Caribbean on Oct. 8; and Latin Festival on Oct. 15. All proceeds benefit El Centro de Spokane. Friday. 6-8 p.m., East Central Community Center, 500 S. Stone St. $10. 455-6706.
The Washington Boutique - Red – Ten great wines. Reservations requested. Friday. 7 p.m., Rocket Market, 726 E. 43rd Ave. $35. 343-2253.
Apple Festival - Come up to Green Bluff and enjoy a large variety of apples, fresh-pressed cider, produce, live music, food, craft booths, antiques, farm mazes and animals. Saturdays and Sundays, through Oct. 31 in Green Bluff.
Pancake Breakfast and Bazaar - Stacks of pancakes, sausages, bacon, orange juice, coffee and milk, with crafts, baked goods and more. Saturday. 8 a.m.-noon, Lilac Plaza, 7007 N. Wiscomb St. Breakfast: $4/adults, $2.50/age 10 and younger; 489-7612.
Joel Cooking Class - With David Ross, PBS Master Chef. Saturday, noon, at Joel, 165 S. Post St.; $5. 624-2354 for reservations.
Harvest Day Cabaret Dinner Show - Hosted by the Lake City Harmonizers. Spaghetti dinner, complete with salad, dessert and drinks served by singing waiters at 7 p.m. and show at 8. featuring the Harmonizer chorus and its quartets, singing puppets and ballad singers. Friday. Lake City Senior Center, 1916 Lakewood Drive, Coeur d’Alene; $12/donation; (208) 687-2249.
Harvest Celebration - Enjoy locally produced foods from Stevens County. Proceeds from this dinner will benefit the Community Agriculture Development Center, a partner of Washington State University Stevens County Extension. Tickets must be purchased in advance and are available at The Book Depot in Colville, Meyers Falls Market in Kettle Falls, Wash., and The Deli in Chewelah, Wash. Saturday. Northeast Washington Fairgrounds, 317 W. Astor, Colville; $25; 684-2588.