Recreation calendar
July 11: Backpacker Magazine’s “Get out More Tour,” 7-9 p.m. at REI, 1125 N. Monroe. Info: 328-9900.
July 14: Lonesome Trails, free slide program presented by The Spokesman-Review outdoors editor Rich Landers, 7 p.m. at REI, 1125 N. Monroe. Info: 328-9900.
Sign up: Spokane Sports Association fall league softball. Registration open July 11-Aug. 10 at Franklin Park Softball Complex. Offering men’s modified, men’s slowpitch and coed slowpitch leagues. Info: 483-4653.
Sign up: Three-on-three basketball, pickleball and racquetball at Stroh’s SuperSportz Family Athletic Club, 9233 E. Montgomery. Six-week seasons start July 25; registration deadline July 20. Fees: $20 members, $54 non-members. Info: Wayne Anthony, 926-6268.
July 9: Twelfth annual Road to Adventure Scenic White Pine Bike Tours, 7 a.m. on Highway 8 East in Moscow. Choose Century Plus (119 miles), Metric Century (64 miles) or Troy Crazy-Eight (26 miles) course. Fees: $40 individual, $150 team of five. Info: Greg Papineau, (208) 882-2814.
July 14-17: Shimano NORBA Nationals Mountain Bike Series at Schweitzer Mountain Resort. Info: (208) 255-3081 or
July 23: Free mountain unicycling clinic with Scott Jacob, 3 p.m. at Mountain Gear, 2002 N. Division. Info: 325-9000.
July 28: Bicycle Commuting 101, presented by Josh Hess, 7 p.m. at REI, 1125 N. Monroe. Info: 328-9900.
July 16-17: Dodgefest at Medley’s Lounge, 14415 E. Sprague, and Bolo’s Bar, 116 S. Best. Four-person teams. Fees: $10 per person; includes T-shirt. Info: 927-4555 or 891-8995.
July 22: Nineteenth annual Lutherhaven Open, 1 p.m. at The Highlands in Post Falls. Four-person scramble format, shotgun start. Fees: $75, proceeds benefit Lutherhaven Ministries’ Campership Fund. Info: (208) 667-3459.
July 29-30: Wildcat Golf Clinic 2005 at Pinehurst Golf Course. Friday seminar, followed by separate full-swing and short-game lessons on Saturday. Limit 40 participants in lessons. Fees: $25 seminar, $30 one lesson, $50 both lessons; proceeds benefit Kellogg High School golf. Info: Simon Miller, (208) 783-5003 or (208) 512-0650.
Multievent sports
July 16: The Valley Kids Triathlon at Liberty Lake, ages 6-11. Info: Marla Emde, 326-6983.
July 17: The Valley Girl Triathlon at Liberty Lake. Women’s only sprint distance triathlon: 1/3 -mile swim, 11.5-mile bike, 3-mile run. Info: Marla Emde, 326-6983.
July 9: Bird walk with expert birder Marian Frobe, 8 a.m. at Turnbull Wildlife Refuge near Cheney. Donations encouraged. Info: Frobe, 328-0621.
July 22: Free outdoor movie, 9 p.m. at Mountain Gear, 2002 N. Division. Info: 325-9000.
July 14: Pullman Parks & Recreation Salmon River Experience rafting trip, grades 6-12. Meet at Pioneer Center in Pullman at 6:30 a.m., travel to Riggins, Idaho. Fees: $35. Info: Megan Vining, (509) 338-3226.
July 16: Rathdrum days 5K and 1-mile run/walk, 8:15 a.m. at Lakeland High School in Rathdrum. Registration deadline July 12. Fees: $12 with T-shirt, $5 without.
July 21: Cherry Pickers Trot & Pit Spit, 7 p.m. at Green Bluff. Registration deadline July 11. Fees: $3 individual, $10 family, $10 T-shirt. Info: 238-4709 or 238-3173.
August 6: Yep Kanum 5K Fun Run, 8 a.m. at Colville Junior High School. Registration deadline July 22. Fees: $12 with T-shirt, $5 without. Info: Colville Parks & Recreation, (509) 684-6037.
July 11-21: Pullman Parks & Recreation youth and teen tennis lessons, grades 3-12. Fees: $35. Info: Megan Vining, (509) 338-3226.
Aug. 6-7: Fourteenth annual Spokane Spike & Dig at Spokane Falls Community College. Early entry deadline July 27. Info: 280-2050 or