Include Danish Puffs in your next brunch
Here’s a recipe that made the favorites list of the last two women to serve as Dorothy Dean. These puffs make a yummy addition to a brunch.
Danish Puffs
From Dorothy Dean Homemaker’s Service
1 cup butter, divided
2 cups sifted flour, divided
2 tablespoons cold water
1 cup water
1 ½ teaspoons almond extract
3 eggs
1 cup powdered sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla
Dash salt
1 to 2 tablespoons milk
Cut ½ cup butter into 1 cup of flour until mixture resembles coarse meal. Stir in cold water, work dough until blended. Shape into a ball; divide in half. Pat each half into 3-by-12-inch oblong on a baking sheet. Measure 1 cup water and remaining ½ cup butter into saucepan; bring to a boil. Remove from heat; add almond extract. Quickly stir in remaining 1 cup flour. Then add eggs, one at a time, beating well with spoon after each. Spread this thick mixture over oblongs. Bake at 400 degrees for about 45 minutes until puffed and golden. Meanwhile, blend powdered sugar, vanilla, salt and enough milk to make a good spreading consistency. Frost pastries while hot. Cut in slices and serve warm.
Yield: 16 servings