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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Hints from Heloise

The Spokesman-Review

Dear Heloise: It is high time that I pay my dues. For, lo, these many years, I have read and used hundreds of hints and recipes from your columns. It behooves me now to tell you and your readers of my most helpful and utilized idea.

My husband and I are blessed to be able to travel a lot, from football weekends or overnight helping with grandkids to two- or three-week-long trips to foreign countries.

In order to be semiprepared to pack and not forget anything we might need, I use under-bed storage boxes. I place items (night lights, flashlights, etc.) in the boxes so I know where they are when I’m ready to pack. I know some folks use a suitcase for storage, but since our trips vary in time and distance, I use a variety of traveling bags for packing.

It has been a tremendous timesaver and a great safeguard. I hope that this helps even one fellow traveler. – Joann M., Little Rock, Ark.