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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Lots of comment on math, science proposal

The Spokesman-Review

A plan to require more math and science courses for high school students received praise and criticism from educators, students and industry leaders last week. So much, in fact, that the Senate Education Committee postponed voting to allow everyone time to speak.

“I’ve talked to virtually all the superintendents in my district,” said Sen. Tom Gannon, R-Buhl. “They all expressed support for this program, but all expressed some severe reservations about being able to attract math and science teachers to the rural communities.”

The final proposal calls for yearlong projects for seniors beginning in 2012, an additional year of math and science for graduation by 2012, and a fourth required math class to be added in 2013, a college entrance exam for 11th-graders beginning in 2012, and advanced educational opportunities in 2007.

“ Community colleges: Amid the talk about creating a statewide community college system in Idaho, the presidents of the two existing community colleges had a message for lawmakers Monday: “Your two existing community colleges are not broken – don’t try and fix us.”

Idaho has one of the lowest rates in the nation for its high school graduates going on to any form of higher education. Just 44.8 percent did in 2000, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. The state has two community colleges, the College of Southern Idaho in Twin Falls and North Idaho College in Coeur d’Alene, instead of a statewide system of community colleges like other states.

“ Budget busters: The fastest-growing piece of Idaho’s state budget – the Medicaid program – is still growing, both in costs and caseload, legislative budget writers were told last week. David Rogers, Medicaid administrator, flashed charts and graphs at the Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee that showed a projected 65 percent increase in Medicaid caseload from 1999 to 2007, and a 35 percent jump in medical inflation.

“ Rock Creek Mine: Despite urging from a mining company, a committee withheld support for the proposed mine until it has more information about possible environmental impacts on North Idaho, including possible changes to habitat for grizzlies.