Recreation calendar
Backpacking/ Hiking/Orienteering
Feb: 18: Outdoors in Ecuador, free slide program by Dennis Cowley and Charmaine Gural for the Spokane Mountaineers, 7 p.m., Corbin Community Center, 827 W. Cleveland.
Sign up: Spokane South Little League baseball for ages 5-14. Games begin April 14. Register by Feb. 29. Info:
Sign up: Spokane Pony Baseball is seeking umpires for the upcoming season. Players ages run from 9 to 14 in separate divisions. Meetings start in March. Training and some equipment is provided. For information contact Gary Broadbent, 216-9456 or Spokane Pony Baseball, 483-4653.
Feb. 16: Skijoring, which combines cross country skiing and dog mushing, will be taught in a Spokane Parks and Recreation class, 1 p.m.-4 p.m. at 49 Degrees North. Preregister by noon today, 625-6200 or
Feb. 21 and 23: Cross country ski lesson at Mountain Gear and Mt. Spokane. Cost: $25 plus $7 ski rental. Info: 625-6200 or
Feb. 22: Moonlight snowshoe hike, 6-9 p.m. at Mt. Spokane. Cost: $22. Info: 625-6200 or
Feb. 23: Moonlight snowshoe hike, 6-9 p.m. at 49 Degrees North. Cost: $29. Info: 625-6200 or
Feb. 16-17: Mountain West Racing snocross race at the Kootenai County Fairgrounds. A full weekend of racing starts at 10 a.m. on Feb. 16. For more information,
Feb. 23-24: The Spokane Shadow Youth Soccer Club will hold tryouts for its boys and girls U12 teams. Tryouts will be held at the Dwight Merkel Complex, 5034 N. Assembly St. For information, including dates and times,
March 1-2: The Spokane Shadow Youth Soccer Club will hold tryouts for its boys and girls U11 teams. Tryouts will be held at the Dwight Merkel Complex, 5034 N. Assembly St. For information, including dates and times,
Sign up: Upward Soccer of Spokane Valley is accepting registrations for the spring season. Evaluations are Feb. 23 and 28. Info: Darrel Cole, 924-9775.
Sign up: Spokane Junior soccer for ages 4-7. Cost: $35. Info: 747-5017 or
Sign up: Valley Youth soccer for ages 4 and older. Cost: $35 for ages 4-7, $45 for ages 8 and older. Info: 924-7661 or
Feb. 27: Meeting about Bloomsday training with Moms in Motion, 7 p.m. at REI Spokane. Practice begins in March. Info:
Track and field
Feb. 27: Meeting about becoming a faster runner with Moms in Motion, 7 p.m. at REI Spokane. Practice begins in April. Info:
March 2: The Runner’s Soul Track and Field Clinic, noon-6 p.m. at Eastern Washington University. Registration deadline is Feb. 22. Cost: $40 per athlete, $30 per coach. Info: Linda Lanker, 993-7119.