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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Deicer damaging trees on mountain passes

Associated Press The Spokesman-Review

WENATCHEE – A chemical used to melt ice on Washington roads is damaging tens of thousands of trees along the state’s mountain passes.

The deicer, calcium chloride, is a form of salt that temporarily damages some trees but doesn’t kill any, according to the state Department of Transportation. The phenomenon, needle browning, will be more evident in pine and fir through the passes this spring following a brutal winter.

However, Jim Hatfield, a forest pathologist with the Wenatchee-Okanogan National Forest, says some trees die from exposure to the deicer. Hatfield said his agency hasn’t formally studied needle browning but looked into changes in trees near roads where deicer started being used almost exclusively four years ago.

“I would definitely say it’s something we should be looking into more in-depth,” Hatfield said.

Doug Pierce, environmental operations manager with the Transportation Department, said calcium chloride can “burn” roadside trees, but damage is minimal and trees recover in the summer.

The department also says it tests for chlorides in soil and creeks near roads and has not found elevated levels. Annual precipitation, including melting snow, provides adequate dilution to prevent buildup, according to an October department publication on needle browning.

Earlier this year, wildlife officials were concerned that road salt and deicer were disorienting finches and other small, seed-eating birds that ingest them as they peck for grit. That, in turn, made them roadkill when they were hit by snowplows and other vehicles during the winter.

The U.S. Forest Service is not studying the browning phenomenon and is not asking the Transportation Department to change its practices.

According to the Transportation Department publication, forest experts had little concern over browning, viewing it as temporary and expressing more concern over chronic forest diseases, such as budworm, pine beetle and fungus.

Whatever damage the chloride does to the trees is worth it to reduce accidents and save lives, the Transportation Department says.

“Even if there were trees that died as a result of anti-icer, my personal perspective is that I would cheerfully sacrifice a couple of fir trees for my daughter or my wife or your sister,” said Jeff Adamson, a department spokesman.