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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Be better? It can happen

Commander Scott Kelly, Arizona Congresswoman Giffords’ brother-in-law, gave each and all a command from space: “We are better than this. We must do better.”

All do serve: citizens, parents, children, students, elders, all everyday people. It is we who must remember we are better and must do better. As we learn and live Scott Kelly’s command, all realize we are better, and all can do better.

We, two friends who believe Commander Kelly to the core, who often disagree passionately, agree. “We are better than this. We must do better.”

We learn to do better as we listen, hearing each other’s opinions and ideas, suspending judgment, engaging our curiosity, having honest conversations. Doing better in these ways we have a real, trusting relationship. We learn to get to the core of ideas and issues, exploring multiple options. Creativity, mutual respect, responsibility and understanding unfold. We do better.

Rarely are we derailed, spiraling into venom, missing underlying truths, facts and sensible, honest, common-sense solutions. Our lives are better, our own families are better, our work is better, communities we serve are better, our citizenship is better, our ideals are better.

Thanks Commander Kelly, thanks to all serving, following the call.

Elaine Tyrie and Val Kjack
