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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Blame isn’t a solution

Words have meaning, a comment politicians throw at each other these days. Some believe an innocent meaning by progressives and a sinister meaning when the same words come from conservatives.

The use of cross hairs on maps has been used by Democrats and Republicans for decades, but a new meaning was attached to a popular Republican. Is it worse than a Democrat saying “let no good crisis go to waste”? Or “if your neighbor disagrees with you, get in his face and set him right?”

For every Glenn Beck there is a Bill Maher, every Sean Hannity a Keith Olbermann.

Civil discourse has never been so deep in a latrine. It continues with our elected officials. With today’s technology any knucklehead with a laptop can put any version of events they perceive out for all to read, watch or hear.

Recent letters “Time to change” and “Palin’s words worse” show just how blinded people can be. While some look at a re-enactment of the Fairness Doctrine to rein in the rhetoric, we allow hate groups like Westboro Baptist Church an open forum to spew garbage on the least deserving. Let’s look for solutions, not to place blame.

Ed Broughton
