On the air
Today’s TV highlights
Baseball, MLB | ||
4 p.m. | N.Y. Yankees at Boston | MLB |
4 p.m. | Seattle at Toronto | Root |
Miscellany | ||
10:30 p.m. | SWX Tonight | SWX |
Soccer, men’s World Cup qualifier | ||
5 p.m. Jamaica vs. United States, at Columbus, Ohio ESPN2 |
Today’s radio highlights
Baseball, MLB | ||
3 p.m. | Seattle at Toronto 700-AM/1080-AM | |
4:30 p.m. | Cleveland at Texas | 1280-AM |
Football, college | ||
7 p.m.* | Robb Akey Show | 1080-AM |
Sports talk | ||
3 p.m. | Patchin, Lukens and Osso 700-AM/1080-AM | |
4 p.m. | The Locker Room with Toby Howell | 1510-AM |
*Following Mariners baseball
All events subject to change.