Annie’s Mailbox:
Dear Annie: My son and his fiancee mailed wedding invitations, and for some reason, friends and relatives sent back the RSVP cards and included additional guests who were not listed on the invitation. Why do people assume they can do this?
My son now has to call each one and tell them they cannot bring extra guests. Should there have been a note in the invitation stating that the wedding venue is small and seating is limited? – Aggravated Mother
Dear Aggravated: No. Your son is handling this correctly by calling. We don’t know whether it is simply colossal nerve, a sense of entitlement, the fact that weddings have become less formal or that TV shows and movies often show invited guests bringing along their friends, but it is not uncommon for people to assume it’s OK to add extra people to the RSVP. It is NOT.
Dear Annie: Thanks for printing the letter from “Saddened.” I am so relieved to know I am not the only husband with the same dilemma. It’s hard for a male to confess he has these feelings and needs without sounding like a nag. I wish there was an answer.
Everything the writer said is the same at my home, including my deep love for my very uninterested wife of 44 years. I would show her this column, but it would only start tears. If she would just initiate holding hands or give me an occasional kiss, that would be so cool. I know she truly loves me, but she feels no need for physical intimacy. – O.