Waste-to-Energy Plant workers burned Tuesday identified; both still critical

Two workers burned in an industrial accident at Spokane’s Waste-to-Energy Plant on Tuesday remained in critical condition at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle on Wednesday.
The city of Spokane identified the two workers: Larry Pratt, 48, who has worked at the Waste-to-Energy Plant since 2002, and Craig Law, 39, who has worked there since 2007.
City spokeswoman Marlene Feist said the families of the two men weren’t available for comment Wednesday.
The city took over operation of the plant in November 2014 from the former operator, Wheelabrator, a subsidiary of Waste Management.
Pratt and Law were performing routine maintenance inside one of the facility’s boilers when something went wrong and they were burned by steam. They were first taken to Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center and then transferred to Harborview, the region’s specialty trauma center.
Feist said the Waste-to-Energy Plant reopened Wednesday morning and is again accepting residential and commercial waste for incineration.