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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Letters to Voice editor

Ditched flip phone, and I feel dumber

Oh boy, do I relate to your column (“Front Porch: Late adapter considers the smartphone” by Stefanie Pettit, June 29) about cellphones. I have been blissfully happy with my old flip phone for years.

However, my son-in-law announced that he was updating his technology and had a wonderful phone, almost new, that he would give me, plus add me to an extra line he has for their personal and business use. No cost for the phone and no monthly fee.

Well, much as I wanted to decline the offer, I decided I really should have the option to learn how to text.

The phone can do everything except cook dinner (which would help), and I only use it for calls and have learned texting.

Mainly, it gives me a headache just to know I don’t know how to do all the things the phone has to offer. And I don’t want to.

Others with flip phones look at me and say, “Oh, so you’ve gone over to the other side,” like I’ve committed a sin of sorts.

So far, this ugly black thing has made me feel guilty and stupid.

I wish you blessings as you embark on your new adventure. Perhaps you will feel smarter while I feel dumber.

Donna Clellen

Spokane Valley

Move to smartphone right choice for me

(I) love your column (“Front Porch,” by Stefanie Pettit, June 29) in oh so many ways and identify with so many things, especially today.

(I) succumbed (in April) to buying a smartphone after so many “good” excuses: not working anymore, love texting on my old “dumb phone” keyboard.

Result: Love it.

So go for it, girl, and you will wonder why you waited so long.

I gave up my landline last year and glory, hallelujah, only one robocall in over a year.

I am 75, and yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks.

Flora Bowers
