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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Dear Annie 11/9

By Annie Lane Creators Syndicate

Dear Annie: I have a twin sister with whom I am very close . In the past year, she has had her share of health problems. She was diagnosed with CNS vasculitis, an inflammation in the brain vessels that has many side effects, including impaired decision-making. It started in January, and she was told no driving and no work.

Between my husband and me, we drove her to her appointments, picked up medications, and did shopping and anything that she needed. I was her caretaker for about five or six months. I was also her cheerleader when she got better.

She finally was able to go back to work. Then, shortly after that, she passed out one day and broke her leg. Again, we stepped up. I would do anything to help her out. I love my sister. Eventually, she was back driving. She is doing great now. My problem with her is this:

She started online dating, and she is telling everyone she is going to move in and marry this man with whom she was only talking for about a month. She says he is wonderful to her. We are not as close as we used to be. It is probably my fault. My sister has not had someone in her life for 10 years. To have someone tell you everything she wants to hear must sound GREAT to her. I don’t trust this relationship! She has not talked to him on the phone, not even with FaceTime or Skype. They just text. I think she even sent him some money. I think it’s a scammer scamming, looking only to get money out of her. What can we do, if anything? – Helping My Twin

Dear Helping: If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, well, it’s probably a duck. How do you have a relationship with someone by just texting? He very well could be a robot. She deserves to have love, but this sounds like very far from it.

It’s time to sit your sister down to gently and lovingly tell her your concerns about this guy. Ask your husband if he has any friends with whom you could set your sister up. Also, tell her doctors about this. Maybe they can help her or give you suggestions.

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