Two boys suspected of accosting EWU student charged with threatening university

The two boys who were arrested after allegedly accosting an Eastern Washington University student also reportedly threatened the university.
EWU police Det. Robert Schmitter said police believe the two boys committed other crimes, including threatening the school, the past couple of weeks in Cheney.
Schmitter declined to identify the boys.
“The original call with the student kind of opened up information and leads to the suspect(s) on other incidents that we had on campus,” Schmitter said.
He said written threats were found at the EWU library last week.
The boys were booked into the Spokane County Juvenile Detention Center on Nov. 9 for suspicion of “threats to bomb or injure property,” a felony, Schmitter said.
He said the threats were generic, but they were not bomb threats.
It’s unclear whether the boys were charged for the incident related to the student, but Schmitter said those charges were forwarded to the prosecutor.
Schmitter said the student told police two males approached her as she was leaving the JFK Library Nov. 7 and followed her to her car. He said they made threats and harassed her and then pulled out what appeared to be a handgun and knife as she entered her car.
EWU Police Chief Jewell Day said one of the males jumped on the car’s hood during the incident.
Schmitter said the woman got into her car and the two males tried to get inside as well, but she locked the door and drove off.
Police issued an alert following the incident and Schmitter said police received reports of incidents similar to the one the woman reported.
“I want to say the community is safe because the people we believe (committed) all these crimes are in custody,” Schmitter said on Tuesday.
Police are investigating the reports. It’s unclear if the boys were still in custody on Wednesday.