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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Dear Annie 11/14

By Annie Lane Creators Syndicate

Dear Annie: Approximately seven years ago, my husband was unfaithful. I filed divorce papers, but he asked that we not go through with it, and he made promises that things would change. But since then, nothing has changed.

I asked him for a divorce again at the end of 2021, but finding an inexpensive lawyer was very difficult, so I did not press the issue.

My husband is emotionally and mentally abusive. He does not dedicate any family time to our kids or to me. His father recently also separated from his wife and is constantly in my house. I HATE HIS FATHER. My authority and my decisions do not matter when they are together, and I feel like a slave in my own house. My kids see my frustrations, and it’s so unfair to them and to me.

I just want full custody of my children and the house. Our biggest issues are financial because my husband has no responsibility and no concerns when it comes to borrowing and paying back loans. You should know that, despite this, I really do care for him as the father of my children. However, my love as a wife just cannot overcome his unfaithfulness and overall treatment of me. He is a good person, but his family gets in our business, and of course, he listens, and that has only destroyed us. Please give me the best advice you can. – Nothing Gets Better

Dear Nothing Gets Better: This sounds like a very difficult situation for you and your children. You must seek professional counseling for yourself and your marriage. Emotional and mental abuse are never OK and must stop. If he does not acknowledge this at all, you might want to seek a divorce attorney. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. So you must do things differently now.

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