Dear Annie: Cheers to 2024!

Editor’s note: Annie is away. This was originally published in 2020.
Dear Annie: When I was growing up, my father used to tell my brothers and sisters and me how important it was to set New Year’s resolutions. He would write down one or two goals for the coming year, and then periodically tell us how he was doing over the months that followed. Some years he failed, but more often than not, he managed to reach his goals.
What I remember most about him was his optimism. No matter how bad the year, he was always convinced that the future would be better. It has been six years since he died, and I miss him every day. But I especially miss him during the holidays, when he would tell us to expect great things in the upcoming year.
Too many people are cynical these days, and most of my friends scoff at the idea of setting New Year’s resolutions. I don’t care, though, because of my dad. I love setting them and being happy with my progress, regardless of whether I reach all my goals. When I have children of my own, I plan to pass along this tradition. I am writing to share my story and to ask for your thoughts about New Year’s resolutions. – Inherited Optimist
Dear Optimist: It sounds like your father was a wonderful man and that his optimistic outlook was invaluable in your upbringing. I’m going to use your letter as an opportunity to offer 10 suggestions for reaching your New Year’s resolutions:
1. Write them down. This will help you focus.
2. Be practical with your goals. Setting small, realistic goals will help you build confidence to seek greater goals later.
3. Watch how you speak to yourself about yourself and your progress. Stay positive.
4. Set aside some uninterrupted time to really think about your goals.
5. Don’t beat yourself up if you slip. Live one day at a time. If you backslide, start anew the next day.
6. Track your progress. Celebrate small victories.
7. Reward yourself when you achieved a goal.
8. Stay the course even if it challenges you. It takes 21 days to form a habit and six months for it to become part of your personality, so be patient and kind to yourself.
9. Spread the news. Tell your friends and family members about your goals so that they can hold you accountable. Partnership leads to progress. If someone has the same goal, then you could work together.
10. Be persistent and never give up.
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