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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

50 years ago in Expo history: An undercover S-R reported exposed just how difficult it was to find a place to stay for the fair

 (S-R archives)
By Jim Kershner The Spokesman-Review

A Spokesman-Review reporter pretended to be a tourist attending Expo ’74 in an attempt to find out how hard it would be to find a place to stay.

The reporter walked into the fairgrounds, asked the person taking tickets where to find lodging and was eventually directed toward Expo’s Hospitality Services office.

He was told there were vacancies at the Ridpath Hotel and Gonzaga University, the latter of which was providing dorm space for visitors during the summer.

But the reporter wanted to find out where he would be directed elsewhere, so he walked up to a “long-haired janitor dressed in an Expo jumpsuit” an asked him.

“Stay at Riverside (State) Park like the rest of us,” he said.

So the reporter called Riverside State Park and was informed the campground was full. He tried some other campgrounds, who told him there was tent space available – but no actual tents for rent.

He then tried some out-of-town motels. They were all full.

He finally went to an information booth on the Expo grounds and asked about lodging.

“You’ll have a hard time finding anything tonight,” said the attendant, yawning.

Also on this day


1896: Dow Jones index begins with an average of 12 industrial stocks (closing is 40.94).

1927: Henry Ford and the Ford Motor Company produce the last (and 15th million) Model T Ford/Tin Lizzie.