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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


Spring Tonic 

Tired of all the wars & riots & political intrigue? The Bard of Sherman Avenue offers "Spring Tonic" this morning for your psychological -- and maybe, spiritual -- aches & pains ...

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Day Of Hope To Return To CdA 

Another Day of Hope will take place in North Idaho later this year. "Last September we served over 5,000 people and had to turn away many," said Deb Ayers, one of the local coordinators for the North Idaho Day of Hope. Kathi Abate, co-coordinator in…

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County Firing Policy Under Review 

The policy and process for firing or suspending Kootenai County employees are headed for major changes. County Commissioners David Stewart and Marc Eberlein -- both elected last fall -- favor a personnel policy that establishes a clear process for firing employees. They're looking to overturn…

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Sims' Letter Proves She Doesn't Get It 23 

State Rep. Kathy Sims, R-Coeur d'Alene, who opposed a much-needed mental health crisis center for Coeur d'Alene and then cast a key vote against the crucial Child Support Enforcement bill, doesn't get it. Yet. Last night, I received a mass-mail letter in which Sims continues to defend her clueless vote on the Child Support bill. Enjoy.

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Edit: 'The Nine' Deserve Public Wrath 

In an editorial today, the Idaho Statesman applauds the decision by Gov. Butch Otter to call a special session to undo the harm caused by "The Nine" clueless House Republicans in the Judiciary & Rules Committee that caused the mess. The editorial is also delighted that the 9 have to twist in the wind of negative public opinion for another 18 days.

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Taking Flight 

The last of five Canada Goose goslings leaps from an osprey nest at McEuen Park. This still image is from a video recorded by one of the city's osprey nest cameras. The final gosling -- the most hesitant of the group -- waited more than…

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Nitwit 9 

Gitrdun offers a rhyme for the "Nitwit 9" of the House Judiciary & Rules Committee who jeopardized Idaho's Child Support system by killing important legislation, passed unanimously by the Idaho Senate. Can you think of a better title for nine House GOP legislators behind this nonsense?

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Edit: Open Judge Nomination Process 

In an editorial this morning, The Spokesman-Review calls on U.S. Sens. Mike Crapo and Jim Risch to open the nomination process for Idaho's next federal judgeship. At this point, we know that none of the five female applicants were given the time of day from the two senators. Also, we don't know names of those on short list.

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Hump Day Wild Card -- 4.29.15 

My sources were right this morning in predicting that Gov. Otter would call a special session to fix the mess that Sims & Co. created in rejecting the Child Support bill on the last day of the Legislature. And one even called the correct day for the session to start, May 18. Not bad for a Hump Day. Here's your replayed Wild Card ...

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Parting Shot -- 4.29.15 

Three-year-old Elliot Edgar(cq) gave some fishing tips to his buddy Julien Schneider, 3, both of Spokane while enjoying the weather at Coeur d'Alene City Beach in Coeur d'Alene on Tuesday. (SR photo: Kathy Plonka)

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Kerby Backpedals For All He's Worth 

Rep. Ryan Kerby, R-New Plymouth, one of the Paranoid 9 that created the Child Support crisis in the House Judiciary & Rules Committee is backpedaling. Now he' saying proposed amendments to the bill will make it acceptable in the special session. So it appears Sims & Co. won't be able to kill in this time. The spinning has begun.

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Cutline Contest -- Time2Vote 

Politicians shouldn't kiss when photojournalists are around. Here's another example why. Hillary Rodham Clinton puckers up following a special at the David N. Dinkins Leadership forum this morning. Meanwhile, there was a tie for best entry in the Tuesday cutline contest. See below.

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Fire Dept Answers HBO Questions

Working on behalf of the Coeur d'Alene Fire Department, city spokesman Keith Erickson has provided Huckleberries with a Q-and-A response to questions raised by commenters here Tuesday. Commenters were responding to the 5Q's interview that I conducted with Fire Chief Kenny Gabriel & Finance Director Troy Tymesen Tuesday.

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Fewer Country Cousins Out There

Believe it or not, New Hampshire is more rural than Idaho. And Nevada is more urban than New York. Chris Carlson/Carlson Chronicles notes that USA is becoming more urbanized, with children and grandchildren moving to the cities leaving behind retirees and the elderly.

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2 Hurt In H95 Rear-Ender 

Two local residents were injured and taken to the hospital this morning in a rear-end collision at southbound Highway 95 at Canfield Avenue in Coeur d'Alene. Melinda Duncan, 52, Post Falls, was stopped in her 2015 Volkswagen Golf at the intersection lights at 9:36 a.m....

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Analysis: Idaho's Perfect Storm 

The Idaho Statesman analyzes how Idaho got itself into the Child Support services mess that requires a special session to fix. Yes, xenophobia, religious ignorance, misappropriated constitutional claims, paranoia over internation treaties, etc. But there's more.

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Post: Idaho Hurt Single Parents 

An edit in the Washington Post Tuesday begins: "It would be hard to find people more adept at cutting off their noses to spite their faces than the members of an Idaho legislative committee who balked at bringing the state into compliance with federal child-support collection rules." Do you think Sims & Co will stand firm in their paranoia May 18?

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HucksOnline Blogos -- 4.29.15 

In the HucksOnline blogroll roundup today, Facebook Friend Keith Boe provides this superb photo of a sunset on the Spokane River at Post Falls Monday, from his kayak. Also: War Bonds talks with Colorado reader+Idaho doing so-so re: digital learning+downtown bike corrals are coming back+our own brand of terroris+more ...

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Henderson Humble Servant -- Otter 

Gov. Butch Otter issued the following statement re: the death of former legislator Frank Henderson: “Frank was a tireless and humble public servant who had a remarkably rare combination of skills that cannot be easily replaced. His keen understanding of how government should work, coupled…

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Grizzly Cubs Enjoy Day In The Sun 

Four grizzly bear cubs, about 35 pounds apiece, enjoyed at outing at WSU's Bear Center that included a wading pool Monday. The cubs, belonging to two mothers, are the first cubs born at the WSU habitat in 10 years. Shanon Quinn of the Moscow-Pullman Daily News provides the rest of the story below.

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4 Ready To Do About-Face 29 

In an April 27 letter to Gov. Butch Otter, House Speaker Scott Bedke writes that he has worked with four of the House committee members who voted to kill SB 1067, the child support enforcement bill, on the final day of the legislative session, along...

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Chief Lee White Describes Life As Cop 

Police Chief Lee White penned an article for Spokane Coeur d'Alene Living that includes: "If you had told me that someday I was going to be Police Chief in Coeur d’Alene when I was a young grunt in the Marines, I would have sent you for a drug test or would have fallen over laughing." You can read the rest below.

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Rusche: Contact Your Legislators 

House Minority Leader John Rusche of Lewiston applauds the decision by Gov. Butch Otter to call a special session to fix the Child Support mess caused by 9 House Republicans. Now, Rusche wants constituents to contact their GOP legislators to encourage them to support legislation in the special session.

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Huckleberries Online

D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.

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