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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Autos Bill Love

MONDAY, JULY 18, 2016

Erase your infraction

Information from a concerned citizen recently reminded me that there is a way to address traffic citations that can alleviate some of the woes connected with them. Traffic education programs exist that can reduce the possibility of future tickets, accidents and escalating insurance premiums. Depending…

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MONDAY, JULY 11, 2016

Road trips revisited

I discussed some elements of road trips a few weeks ago, and have now just returned from one. Although they are generally more costly (with fuel, food and motels) than domestic round-trip airfare for two, and use up more time than air travel, I still…

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Insurance considerations

Most drivers understand the basics of car insurance. Generally, it means choosing among the categories of liability (required), collision and comprehensive (optional), and determining the level of coverage and deductibles based on your vehicle, needs and wants. But it’s worth looking further at coverage details.…

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MONDAY, JUNE 27, 2016

Ride sharing evolution

A few years back, the concept of ride sharing was just beginning to evolve. Now popularized by companies like Zipcar, drivers can share cars with others without owning them, an adaptation of the taxicab concept without the taxi driver. A hybrid adaptation of those entities…

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MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2016

Intersection quandary

Certain traffic quandaries are repetitive. One of those oft-perplexing situations concerns right of way at “T” intersections. It’s common for drivers travelling the top of the “T” to believe that they have right of way over those driving the “leg” of the “T.” As an…

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TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2016

Autonomous vehicle frenzy

It’s impossible to view any auto-related publication these days without finding a reference to self-driving vehicles. Some, like reader/driver S.H., aren’t convinced that they may soon sit in the back seat reading a book while their car drives by itself, but corporate investment in the…

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MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2016

Target zero: not a pipe dream

The ahead-of-its-time 2013 Washington state strategic highway safety plan, Target Zero, is getting a boost in reality. And it’s coming from the rapid advancement in self driving cars. Target Zero’s goal of reducing state highway deaths to none by 2030 has planned elements including education,…

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MONDAY, MAY 30, 2016

Hauling dogs and other animals

Concerned with human and animal safety, reader J.H. wrote, “I have noticed more and more dogs in the back of trucks and SUVs lately. It’s often hard to tell if the dogs are tethered. Large untethered dogs even in the back of a SUV seems…

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MONDAY, MAY 23, 2016

Dissecting road trips

Winter driving conditions are history for now, and huge numbers of drivers will embark on road trips as a result. Summer offers the lure of clear roadways (except construction zones), increasing the number of motorists making “long hauls.” Add favorable fuel prices to the mix,…

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MONDAY, MAY 16, 2016

Safety concerns

According to recently received emails, local drivers have serious thoughts on driving safety. For example, reader C.L. expressed his concerns about pedestrian activity within the streets by writing, “I live in an area of Spokane where the streets and sidewalks are well used by bikes,…

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MONDAY, MAY 9, 2016

Extreme driverless sport

Just when we are trying to reckon with the concept of driverless cars, some envision those vehicles competing on a race track. Kinetik, a London investment fund headed by Russian entrepreneur Denis Sverdlov, has released a rendering of a Formula One racecar having one glaring…

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MONDAY, MAY 2, 2016

Thoughts to ponder

Readers regularly send me ideas, pet peeves and questions pertaining to driving. At times, I have answers to those inquiries, but other times I simply reply, “Good question!” One of those good questions that warrants pondering came from R.H. who wrote, “I find the idea…

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MONDAY, APRIL 25, 2016

On drivers' minds

Usually reader/driver comments typify the thoughts of many. For example, I regularly receive reader concerns about certain traffic patterns in our region. Not surprisingly, a significant majority of those reports involve intersections, where vehicular conflict intensifies. And one of those intersections I often hear about…

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MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2016

Ending rear enders

You’ve likely heard the recent announcement that autonomous emergency braking will become standard on most cars within six years. That will not end rear end collisions, but will begin to “put the brakes” on proliferation of such wrecks. Whether it is cell phones, vehicle devices,…

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Is the thrill gone?

The lyrics to B.B. King’s “The Thrill is Gone,” portray the sorrow of an ended romance. While the words of the song make reference to relationships between people, the same woeful sentiments of abandonment and loneliness, to some, apply to their love affair with automobiles.…

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MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2016

Check the nut behind the wheel

I’ve written that no matter their degree of prowess, every driver can learn and improve. That thought rings true for reader V.D., recalling fatherly advice and noting, “When I was being taught to drive by my father (many, many years ago), he told me to…

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MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2016

Spring pedestrian bloom

While we watch the flowers bloom each spring, motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians are emerging on our streets. After winter “hibernation,” their sudden increased presence can take unwary motorists by surprise. Pedestrians, especially, are plentiful and vulnerable. As groups and individuals, children and adults in the…

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MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2016

Pondering driverless vehicles

The talk of driverless, or autonomous, vehicles has been big news from automotive and technology industries of late. The “conversation,” beginning with Google, and continuing with automaker and software giants, seems to indicate that the reality of the concept is getting close. I have written…

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Local drivers are commenting

By sending their comments and questions, readers indicate that they are applying thought to their driving. To me, that’s a good thing. R.H. wondered, “…in driving Spokane’s many one-way streets: Is it lawful for a driver occupying the inside lane on a one-way street to…

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MONDAY, FEB. 29, 2016

Room for improvement

Regarding the safety of driverless cars, experts agree that they are not infallible. Those experts and captains of the auto industry also agree that people are not infallible either, and that driving errors are likely to be fewer in vehicles operating with autonomous, as opposed…

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MONDAY, FEB. 22, 2016

Requesting knowledge and questions

The roads we share are filled with drivers having varying exposure levels and abilities. And each one of them has their own set of driving experiences and potential questions regarding proper driving behavior. Lately, many readers have shared those experiences and questions, allowing me to…

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MONDAY, FEB. 15, 2016

Thoughtful drivers speak up 

Lately, many thoughtful drivers have emailed their insights and inquiries about driving situations and behaviors. For example, N.M. asked, “What are the rules for using turn signals when approaching a roundabout? No one uses them so you never know the ultimate direction a car will…

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MONDAY, FEB. 8, 2016

Car sharing gains traction

The concept of letting drivers with intermittent transportation needs share vehicles instead of owning them has gained steady momentum since Zipcar began popularizing the practice in 1999. Since then, the Avis-owned company has influenced a growing movement. Besides Zipcar, there are now several firms offering…

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MONDAY, FEB. 1, 2016

More reader recommendations

Readers continue to relay thoughtful recommendations in response to my columns touting driver resolutions and tips for winter driving. It’s always good to hear from those who devote extra attention to the driving task. As a New Year’s resolution, I reminded drivers to look as…

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MONDAY, JAN. 25, 2016

Readers' winter weigh-ins

When I recently offered winter driving reminders, many reader emails followed. I’m encouraged that so many local drivers are applying careful thought to the process of negotiating slickened roads. L.B. relayed a tip for effective stopping at icy intersections, writing, “It’s something I sort of…

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