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Eye On Boise

MONDAY, APRIL 20, 2009

'He wanted to make it perfectly clear'

Here are the eight appropriation bills that Otter has vetoed today: Senate Bills 1176, 1177, 1178, 1179, 1181, 1188, 1189, and 1190. Senate Finance Chairman Dean Cameron, R-Rupert, said, "I think there was a feeling that what he said this morning wasn't being perceived as…

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Otter vetoes all eight bills 

Gov. Butch Otter has vetoed all eight appropriation bills that he threatened to veto this morning. "I have no problem with these bills," Otter wrote in his veto message. "At some point they will merit positive consideration. However, consistent with my desire to provide you…

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Sen. Joe Stegner helps Sen. John Andreason, right, to a celebratory piece of birthday cake. At left is Senate doorkeeper Bob McDonald. Both McDonald and Andreason celebrated their 80th birthdays this week. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

Celebrating a double 80

Both Senate Doorkeeper Bob McDonald and Sen. John Andreason, R-Boise, are celebrating 80th birthdays - McDonald tomorrow and Andreason today - so senators paused before convening their afternoon session to join the two and their families for celebratory cake and ice cream. McDonald has been…

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Dems respond to vetoes

House and Senate Democrats have put out a news release critical of Gov. Butch Otter's two vetoes today; in it, Senate Minority Leader Kate Kelly, D-Boise, said, "The governor and other Republican leaders are more interested in power plays than solving problems." Also in the…

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Senate Majority Leader Bart Davis, R-Idaho Falls, consults with Senate State Affairs Committee Chairman Curtis McKenzie, R-Nampa, on Monday. Davis said Senate Republicans plan to caucus on Monday afternoon before taking up transportation funding. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

Senate may amend this afternoon...

The Senate has started its session, but hasn't yet moved to its amending order, where it's expected to take up transportation funding. Senate Majority Leader Bart Davis, R-Idaho Falls, told the Senate, "I do not know fully what's going to happen between now and day's…

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Otter wants action... 

Here's a link to my full story at on the governor's action this morning, vetoing two unrelated bills to send a message to lawmakers that he wants action by both houses on transportation funding by this Wednesday night - or else.

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Gov: 'I'm willing to accept a certain figure'

Senate Transportation Chairman John McGee, R-Caldwell, will propose the transportation amendments that Gov. Butch Otter favors, the governor said this morning as he vetoed two unrelated bills. "I'm asking the Legislature to please move forward on the Senate bill," Otter declared. "I've gone over what's…

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Gov. Butch Otter says he would've vetoed two bills on Monday anyway, regardless of his dispute with lawmakers over transportation. The two he vetoed were unrelated to the dispute. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

Guv: 'Would've vetoed those two anyway'

Gov. Butch Otter says there's no relationship between the two bills he vetoed this morning - HB 161a on security breaches that release personal information, and HB 245, which established a Parents as Teachers program under the Children's Trust Fund - and his dispute with…

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'Anything that helps the schools'

After Gov. Butch Otter's veto press conference this morning, House Minority Caucus Chairman Bill Killen, D-Boise, who attended, said House Democrats continue talks with the governor on the transportation issue. "We have been carrying on discussions with the governor about transportation," he said. "I didn't…

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Otter: The 'going home bill' 

Gov. Butch Otter says he would have vetoed those two bills anyway. "By Thursday, I have all these appropriation bills to sign," he said - but he's going to hold them, to see what happens with Senate amendments to transportation bills. "I'm simply using the…

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Gov. Butch Otter vetoes two bills on Monday (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

Otter vetoes two bills 

Gov. Butch Otter has vetoed two bills, HB 245 and HB 161. HB 245 was a measure regarding the Parents as Teachers program. HB 161, regarding security breaches, was "really unnecessary," the governor said. "I think it's a solution in search of a problem." Otter…

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SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2009

Guv will 'act on legislation'

Rumors were hot Friday that Gov. Butch Otter was about to veto some bills as his dispute with the House over transportation funding heated up, but nothing happened. Now, there's this announcement from the governor's office: He's invited the news media to join him Monday…

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How long it is...

When lawmakers convene on Monday morning, it'll be the 99th day of the legislative session, which already is the second-longest in state history. Idaho's legislative sessions have averaged just under 71 days since statehood, but seven of the past 10 annual sessions have stretched longer…

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"Spuddy Buddy," a figure that promotes Idaho potatoes, was among the "Idaho trinkets" that U.S. Sen. Jim Risch presented to Idaho military members he met while on a tour of the Middle East. Risch's trip also included meetings with the heads of state of five nations; he's Idaho's first senator on the Senate Foreign Relations and Intelligence committees in nearly three decades; the last one was Sen. Frank Church. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

This spud's for you...

On the turbulent border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, an Idaho soldier who's serving on a multi-national security force now has a new Spuddy Buddy figure, a box of Idaho candy and a Senate medallion, after his home-state senator came by on an international…

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On this week's "Idaho Reports" program on Idaho Public TV, from left, Jim Weatherby, Betsy Russell, Sen. John McGee, Sen. Kate Kelly, Rep. Scott Bedke, and host Thanh Tan discuss recent developments in the Legislature. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

The week that was...

This week on "Idaho Reports" on Idaho Public TV, I joined BSU political scientist emeritus Jim Weatherby, Senate Transportation Chairman John McGee, R-Caldwell, Senate Minority Leader Kate Kelly, D-Boise, and House Assistant Majority Leader Scott Bedke, R-Oakley, along with host Thanh Tan, to discuss the…

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FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2009

JFAC to meet Tuesday instead of Monday

JFAC has rescheduled its Monday morning meeting to Tuesday, because it took until long into the afternoon today (Boise time - the time stamp on this blog is in Pacific time) to work out final details on budget bill language between the governor's office and…

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Transportation amendment in the works

Senate Transportation Chairman John McGee said work is proceeding on amendments to transportation legislation. "We are getting very close to having an amendment ready to go," he said. "I really think the Senate's going to pass something." House GOP leaders are sitting back and waiting.…

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Sen. John Goedde, R-Coeur d'Alene, presents a resolution in the Senate on Friday honoring North Idaho College on its 75th anniversary. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

Senate passes resolution honoring NIC

The Senate has unanimously passed a resolution saluting North Idaho College on its 75th anniversary, after several senators had glowing things to say about the Coeur d'Alene college. When the resolution, HCR 30, cleared the Senate Education Committee on Wednesday, Rep. Bob Nonini, R-Coeur d'Alene,…

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House is done for the day

The House has adjourned, planning to come back on the floor at 9:30 a.m. on Monday. The motion to adjourn got so many "nay" votes that House Majority Leader Mike Moyle, R-Star, initially suggested he was in doubt as to the outcome, and perhaps they…

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House members mill around before going into session on Friday morning, the 96th day of this year's legislative session. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

And now it's the 96th day...

The House has started its session, after some initial milling about, and is taking up Health & Welfare budgets that top its Third Reading calendar. GOP leaders said they'll do a few bills from the calendar, suspend rules and take up a few appropriations from…

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Quirks, oddities and antics... 

Here's an excerpt from AP reporter John Miller's analysis today of the quirks and oddities of this year's waning legislative session: "Despite reports to the contrary," Cabela's spokesman David Draper told The Associated Press on Thursday, "we do not prohibit employees from lawfully possessing, carrying…

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As the 95th day wraps up...

As the 95th day of this year's legislative session winds down this afternoon, it sounds like things are looking largely promising for the new budget deal, which cuts statewide personnel spending from the general fund next year by 5 percent, but allows the governor to…

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Eye On Boise

News, happenings and more from the Idaho Legislature and the state capital.