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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Eye On Boise

MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2009

Probably not this week... 

House Speaker Lawerence Denney is less optimistic this morning than he was last week, and now says, "I doubt that we get done this week." Both houses are preparing to go into session this morning and work through their calendars, which are populated largely with…

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FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 2009

Rep. Cliff Bayer, R-Boise, left, House Minority Leader John Rusche, D-Lewiston, center, and Senate Majority Leader Bart Davis, right, discuss the legislative events of the week on Friday night's "Idaho Reports" program on Idaho Public Television. (Courtesy photo / Idaho Public Television)

The week that was...

On tonight's "Idaho Reports" program on Idaho Public Television, I joined BSU political scientist emeritus Jim Weatherby, Rep. Cliff Bayer, R-Boise, House Minority Leader John Rusche, D-Lewiston, and Senate Majority Leader Bart Davis, R-Idaho Falls, along with host Thanh Tan, to discuss the legislative events…

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Denney: 'Hopefully that's enough'

After the House passed the GARVEE bond bill today, handing Gov. Butch Otter a rare victory in his transportation initiative this year, House Speaker Lawerence Denney said, "I think we can finish next week - I hope we can finish." Denney said he's not planning…

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GARVEE - How they voted

Here's how the House voted in the 39-29 vote to pass SB 1186, the $82 million GARVEE bonding program for highways for next year:Voting in favor: Reps. Anderson, Bayer, Bell, Bilbao, Black, Block, Boe, Bolz, Burgoyne, Chadderdon, Chavez, Chew, Collins, Crane, Cronin, Durst, Eskridge, Gibbs,…

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The Idaho House, including Reps. Phil Hart, R-Athol, Russ Mathews, R-Idaho Falls, and Steve Hartgen, R-Twin Falls, debates a highway bonding bill on Friday morning; the bill passed, despite strong debate against it. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

House passes GARVEE, 39-29

The House has voted 39-29 on SB 1186, the Senate-passed bill to issue $82 million in highway bonds next year, passing the bill and sending it to the governor. The vote came after a long debate dominated by the bill's opponents. House Transportation Chairwoman JoAn…

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'Debt is a bondage'

So far, the debate in the House on GARVEE bonds is coming mostly from opponents. Rep. Lenore Barrett, R-Challis, said, "Borrowing money and passing the debt on to our kids - I sure don't want to be a part of something like that." Rep. Phil…

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Rep. Leon Smith, R-Twin Falls, speaks out against the GARVEE bonding bill for highways, SB 1186, in the House on Friday. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

Smith: 'Building highways with a credit card' 

Rep. Leon Smith, R-Twin Falls, who sits next to Rep. George Eskridge, R-Dover, told the House, "I love my seatmate, but he's misguided." Smith, speaking against the GARVEE bonding bill, asked the House, "Should we be doing this huge GARVEE program, building highways with a…

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Rep. George Eskridge, R-Dover, urges the House to approve an $82 million highway bonding program on Friday morning. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

GARVEE debate begins in House

The House has moved the $82 million GARVEE bonding program to the top of its calendar and begun its debate. "By the end of this construction season, 130 lane miles of road will have been improved with the aid of GARVEE," Rep. George Eskridge, R-Dover,…

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Soltman appointment confirmed unanimously

Don Soltman, vice president of Kootenai Medical Center, has been unanimously confirmed to the state Board of Education, to which Gov. Butch Otter nominated him. Sen. John Goedde, R-Coeur d'Alene, told the Senate, "I've known Don for a number of years and I highly recommend…

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A one-two punch...

Here's a link to my full story in today's Spokesman-Review on the governor's setbacks yesterday in his transportation initiative, a one-two punch with the House killing its last remaining bill to raise the state's gas tax and the joint budget committee directing a $17 million…

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Johnson confirmation prompts hour-long debate 

The confirmation of Ruthie Johnson of Hayden Lake for another term on the Idaho Human Rights Commission prompted an hour-long debate in the Senate today, the AP reports, after Johnson's comments about gay rights during her Senate State Affairs Committee confirmation hearing aroused opposition from…

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'It had the desired effect'  21 

Earlier, when House Speaker Lawerence Denney introduced a last-minute bill to require voters to show picture I.D. and to end mail-in voter registration in Idaho, he said the bill probably wouldn't get a hearing this year - and then, yesterday, a hearing was scheduled for…

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How they voted

Here's the vote in the House to kill the gas tax bill, HB 135a, which failed, 32-37:Voting in favor: Reps. Anderson, Andrus, Bedke, Black, Block, Boe, Bolz, Chadderdon, Denney, Eskridge, Gibbs, Hagedorn, Hartgen, Henderson, Higgins, Jaquet, Jarvis, Luker, Moyle, Patrick, Raybould, Ringo, Roberts, Shirley, Smith(24),…

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Rep. Frank Henderson, R-Post Falls, debates in favor of the bill to raise Idaho's gas tax by two cents a gallon next year. However, the House defeated the bill Thursday, on a 32-37 vote. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

House defeats gas tax bill, 32-37

The House has voted 32-37 on the gas tax increase bill, HB 135a, defeating the bill. Here is House Transportation Chairwoman JoAn Wood's entire closing debate: "The people of the state of Idaho who trust us to look at their circumstances and make decisions look…

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'This doesn't solve the problem'

Rep. Jim Clark, R-Hayden Lake, asked the House, "Do you honestly think that this bill addresses the issue? ... It'll fix one pothole. ... It's still a tax increase." Clark said if the House passes the 2-cent gas tax increase, the Senate will amend it…

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'Throw a drowning man a brick'

Rep. Lenore Hardy Barrett, R-Challis, speaking against the gas tax increase bill, told the House, "Once again the government ... is ready to throw a drowning man a brick." As she rose to debate the bill, she said she'd been debating back and forth with…

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'Not time to raise our people's taxes'

Rep. Raul Labrador, R-Eagle, strongly urged the House to reject the proposed gas tax increase. "This debate has lost some perspective," he said. "We keep talking about our roads going into disrepair. ... This legislature is being accused of not taking care of our roads,…

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'Support this piddly little bill'

The House is now debating the gas tax bill, which would raise Idaho's gas tax by two cents a gallon next year. Rep. Leon Smith, R-Twin Falls, told the House, "This doesn't build highways - this tries to fix highways that we already have. ...…

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Keough motion passes

The motion from Sen. Shawn Keough, R-Sandpoint, to send all the stimulus money to local highway districts has passed JFAC on an 11-9 vote. Rep. Janice McGeachin, R-Idaho Falls, was the last to vote and held the deciding vote. "It's all up to you, sister,"…

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. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

'A good sign'

JFAC is debating between three alternative motions on how to distribute $17 million in stimulus money to roads. The first, from Rep. Frank Henderson and Sen. Jim Hammond, would have the money distributed, whether to state or local roads, based on the greatest public safety…

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. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

Move to boost education funding fails

An attempt to shift nearly $20 million from federal stimulus money that Gov. Butch Otter has suggested earmarking for additional road work failed on a party-line vote this morning in JFAC. Sen. Nicole LeFavour, D-Boise, proposed shifting $19.5 million from the stimulus into the public…

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Eye On Boise

News, happenings and more from the Idaho Legislature and the state capital.