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Eye On Boise


Sens. Lee Heinrich, left, Joyce Broadsword, center, and Diane Bilyeu hear a presentation from Idaho Transportation Department official Alan Frew on Tuesday regarding legislation to raise DMV fees. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

Another odd moment... 

There was another odd moment during this afternoon's Senate Transportation Committee meeting when Sen. Diane Bilyeu, D-Pocatello, asked ITD official Alan Frew, "Why bring in such a big bill at the end of the session?" Frew reddened, and suggested to Chairman John McGee, R-Caldwell, "I…

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Jason Kreizenbeck, chief of staff to Gov. Butch Otter, tells reporters that two bills sent out for amendments Tuesday afternoon by a Senate committee might be the "going-home bills," if they're amended to include the governor's transportation proposals.
 (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

'These might be the going-home bills'

Jason Kreizenbeck, Gov. Butch Otter's chief of staff, said of the governor, "He is appreciative of the action by the Senate today. This might be the way to wrap up the session - these might have potential to be the going-home bills, if they're adjusted…

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Ethanol bill sent out for amendment

Now the Senate Transportation Committee has voted to send HB 96, the House-passed bill to eliminate the ethanol exemption from the fuel tax, to the 14th Order for amendments as well. "Both of these bills are revenue bills, and I suspect amendments would have to…

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Senate Transportation Chairman John McGee, R-Caldwell, left, and Sen. Jim Hammond, R-Post Falls, right, share a laugh during a Senate Transportation Committee meeting on Tuesday, at which the panel voted to amend two transportation bills to try to add in funding increases. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

ITD fee bill to be amended

No one testified against the ITD fee-increase bill, SB 1087, but Sen. Jim Hammond, R-Post Falls, moved to send it to the 14th Order for amendments, and Sen. Shawn Keough, R-Sandpoint, seconded the motion. Sen. Elliot Werk, D-Boise, responded, "I might've missed it, I might've…

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'I was in kindergarten'

The Senate Transportation Committee is hearing SB 1087, legislation that would raise $13.1 million for the state highway account by raising various administrative fees charged by the state Department of Motor Vehicles. Alan Frew, an administrator with the Idaho Transportation Department, said many of the…

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House done, Senate back at 2:30

The House is done for the day, having passed a slew of Senate-passed budget bills and sent them to the governor's desk. The Senate, after passing the higher education budget, SB 1207, on a 34-1 vote, has recessed for lunch until 2:30 p.m. Boise time.

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Redistricting bill passes Senate, 30-5 

The Senate has voted 30-5 to pass SB 1184, the redistricting legislation sponsored by Senate President Pro-Tem Bob Geddes, R-Soda Springs. Idaho's legislative districts used to be redrawn by lawmakers themselves; voters approved a constitutional amendment in 1994 to instead hand the job to an…

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'You can draw a lot of different lines'

In the debate over reapportionment legislation in the Senate, Senate Majority Leader Bart Davis, R-Idaho Falls, complained about "doughnut" shaped legislative districts. "I guess doughnuts are not an irregularly shaped district," he said. "We're excited about preserving the hole, and the hole justifies the doughnut.…

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Senate debates redistricting bill

The Senate is now debating SB 1184, legislation from Senate President Pro-Tem Bob Geddes to change Idaho's redistricting laws. Geddes told the Senate in his opening debate, a bit tongue-in-cheek, "Each and every senator here will still reside in a legislative district." Democrats, however, raised…

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House passes HB 303 on 51-19 vote  

After much debate, the House has voted 51-19 in favor of HB 303, legislation introduced through the Ways & Means Committee to make several changes in school funding rules in light of budget cuts, including easing rules regarding spending of federal stimulus money, giving school…

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Dems offer 'olive branch' to Guv

House Democrats extended an olive branch to the governor late last week, the Associated Press reports: "They would consider rounding up enough minority votes for a ''moderate' gas-tax increase of between 2 and 7 cents — if Otter agrees to limit state agency personnel cuts…

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Long-term debt amendment dead for session

Legislation designed to respond to the Frazier decision on municipal and other public debt has stalled, the Times-News reports today, and won't go forward this session. Rep. Fred Wood, R-Burley, told reporter Jared Hopkins that the measure, a constitutional amendment that would require a vote…

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MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2009

A large chair was pushed against the door as Senate Republicans met in a closed caucus for more than two hours the afternoon of Monday, April 13, 2009. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

Who pushed the chair there?

Senate Republicans were in a closed caucus this afternoon for more than two hours, and a rather odd sight presented itself - a big chair, pushed up against the door, as if to block them all in. That prompted some speculation about just who pushed…

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Steve Symms holding Minnick fundraiser 

Former GOP Idaho Sen. Steve Symms is holding a fundraiser for Democratic Congressman Walt Minnick, according to this article by Dan Popkey of the Idaho Statesman. Popkey reports that Symms, now a Washington, D.C. lobbyist, is planning a $1,000-a-plate breakfast fundraiser for the Idaho Democrat…

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Guv signs Open Meeting Law reforms 13 

SB 1142, legislation sponsored by Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden to revamp Idaho's Open Meeting Law after an Idaho Supreme Court decision in 2007 made parts of the law near-impossible to enforce, was signed into law today by Gov. Butch Otter. The bill, which passed…

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Sens. Dean Mortimer, R-Idaho Falls, right, confers with Sen. Chuck Winder, R-Boise, during the Idaho Senate's session on Monday. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

Senate wraps up for day, GOP heads into caucus

The Senate has wrapped up its official business for the day, including suspending its rules and passing HB 281, the IRS conformity bill; and appropriation bills to fund the state Capitol Commission and the Agricultural Research and Cooperative Extension Service. Now, Senate Republicans have headed…

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Rep. Bob Nonini, R-Coeur d'Alene, returned to the House on Monday after a week-long golf trip to Palm Springs. As the legislative stretches into the spring, it's run up against some lawmakers' long-planned vacations and family trips. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

Nonini: 'I want to hear both sides' 

Rep. Bob Nonini, R-Coeur d'Alene, back fresh from a week of golfing in Palm Springs, says there's no truth to the rumor that he was summoned there by an angry Duane Hagadone over Nonini's opposition to the Coeur d'Alene Lake Management Plan. "I visited with…

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CAMP bill passes unanimously

The Senate has unanimously passed HB 264, the comprehensive aquifer management plan legislation. Senators also passed various bills on their calendar, but skipped over a slew of appropriation bills, moving them to the bottom of the calendar, and passed over HB 262, the controversial legislation…

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House members were left milling around Monday morning after the House adjourned early. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

House adjourns for the day

Without suspending rules or taking up the liquor license bill, the House has adjourned for the day, a full hour before noon in the Mountain time zone. "We're way ahead," said House Speaker Lawerence Denney, who said the House didn't suspend rules to do more…

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The House votes Monday morning to pass legislation protecting from liability employers who have policies allowing workers to keep guns in their cars in company parking lots, after a long debate. The bill now moves to the Senate. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

'What made America strong'

Freshman Rep. Jeff Thompson, R-Idaho Falls, came in for a heavy grilling in the House this morning on his bill to protect companies from liability if they have policies letting employees store firearms in their vehicles in the company parking lot. Several attorney members of…

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Statehouse reporters Jared Hopkins of the Twin Falls Times-News, left, and John Miller of the Associated Press, right, try on additional ugly ties Monday in the tiny Capitol Annex press room. Statehouse tradition holds that reporters' ugly ties at the end of the session will help prompt lawmakers to wrap it up and leave town. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

How ugly it is...

Statehouse reporters have been wearing ugly ties for some time to try to spur the session to end (tradition holds that lawmakers will be so dismayed by the press' hideous neckwear that they'll just want to leave town), but it hasn't worked yet. We're still…

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No sunshine on a cloudy day?

For those who missed it, here's a link to my story from last week's Spokesman-Review on how the Sunshine law expansion, giving Idaho its first personal financial disclosure requirements for elected officials and candidates, is being held hostage in the House, though it's passed the…

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Hammond? 'Still here...'

There was some rueful laughter in the Senate during the roll call this morning, when, as the various senators' names were called, the name of Sen. Jim Hammond, R-Post Falls, came up. Dolefully, he responded, "Still here."

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Eye On Boise

News, happenings and more from the Idaho Legislature and the state capital.