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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth archive for Jan. 1, 2010

THURSDAY, OCT. 28, 2010

Dogs that ride trains

This is one I'll be sharing with a lot of folks. The Daily Dish posted on a phenomenon in Moscow - Russia, not Idaho, thank you very much - where dogs have learned to take the metro. These brilliant, cutting edge strays are the new…

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27, 2010

Have you played the transportation game?  

The game is on. The Spokane Regional Transportation Council has developed an online game for your feedback on transportation projects. Questions range from the completion of the North-South Corridor to light rail and a big part of this game is how you choose spending on…

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The Worst Oil Spills In History

Designer Gavin Potenza created this incredible infographic map that visualizes the worst oil spills in history. Please click here for a larger image. It might need to be updated: The last numbers for Deepwater Horizon are 205.8 million gallons.

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TUESDAY, OCT. 26, 2010

MONDAY, OCT. 25, 2010

Another Green Monday: Initiative 1098

This is the fourth entry in my election series. (Check endorsements of Referendum 52, Spokane County Commissioner Bonnie Mager, and opposition to Initiative 1107.) For every Another Green Monday leading up to November 2nd, I will write about what’s on your ballot. I’ll keep this…

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SATURDAY, OCT. 23, 2010

Weekend Listening: The Replacements

I’m a music geek so it is with excitement that I launch a new category on Down To Earth: Weekend Listening. That’s right. Every Saturday I will post a song that has, at least in my mind, an environmental bent. To start things off, I…

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THURSDAY, OCT. 21, 2010

"Why I'm Voting Republican"  

Vote. You know you want to. Is your ballot sitting on your kitchen counter? Not sure what to fill in? You have until November 2nd. Be informed. Be involved. Stay tuned for more coverage at Down To Earth. Follow Spin Control, check the current Inlander,…

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 20, 2010

TUESDAY, OCT. 19, 2010

Tuesday Video: Stand Up For Trains

Taking the train has always been ridiculously fun for me. Blame it on David Lean films. But tickets are cheap, most trains produce nineteen times less greenhouse gas emissions than flying and they're probably the most relaxing form of public transportation.The Midwest High Speed Rail…

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MONDAY, OCT. 18, 2010

Another Green Monday: Initiative 1107 

This is the third entry in my election series. (Read my endorsements of Referendum-52 and Spokane County Commissioner Bonnie Mager.) For every Another Green Monday leading up to November 2nd, I will write about what’s on your ballot. There are so many initiatives this year…

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SUNDAY, OCT. 17, 2010

FRIDAY, OCT. 15, 2010

Meet Fritz Renato Bachmeyr

Have you had a chance to check out one of the coolest displays in the city at J.F. Thamm Gallery on 11 S Washington St? For October, they are featuring The Art of Fritz Renato Bachmeyr, A Master of Traditional Painting, a collection of Spokane…

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THURSDAY, OCT. 14, 2010

Sustainable Works celebrates one year of awesome 

Good news today for sustainable communities. After learning about the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s regional planning grants announcement this morning, our own local non-profit, Sustainable Works, that does energy audits and retrofits, sent a notice about their first birthday celebration. Awww. They…

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13, 2010


Welcome to Fort McMurray, Alberta. In the last fifteen years, they've more than tripled in size as global energy companies descend on the largest oil reserve in the world outside of Saudi Arabia.Recently, I posted the trailer for Petroplis: Aerial Perspectives On The Alberta Tar…

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TUESDAY, OCT. 12, 2010

Another Green Tuesday: Bonnie Mager

As you presumably read last week, for every Another Green Monday (and, yes, this edition is on a Tuesday due to a technical error ) leading up to November 2nd, I will write about what’s on your ballot. There are too many initiatives this year…

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Tuesday Video: Moment Of Zen

Confession: I've been on a bit of a transit kick lately. However, this video is too cool to pass up. Once again, it's about a phenomenon in New York where things are changing fast, particularly people's expectations for space that is designed to accommodate humans…

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MONDAY, OCT. 11, 2010

How does your city get to work?

Good morning Spokane. Before you head out the door, ponder these figures.Sightline has collected a study on how residents in the Northwest get to work and some of the numbers are slightly encouraging. When compared to other cities in the region, Spokane got number nine…

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SUNDAY, OCT. 10, 2010

Happy 10/10/10! 

The photos are coming in by the minute over at from all over the world and I'm about to ride up to Heron Pond Farms. However, this morning I thought I would share a different kind of video for 10.10.10, the classic Power Of…

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FRIDAY, OCT. 8, 2010

Friday Quote: 10/10/10

As a young environmentalist, I fought global warming with words, writing what’s often called the first general-interest volume on climate change. It became an international bestseller, published in 24 languages. But it flopped as a piece of social activism, doing virtually nothing to slow the…

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Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.

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