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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Spokane City Council President

Related Coverage, Page 2

Spokane City Council approves mayor’s $1.2 billion 2024 budget with some adjustments

After months of at-times bitter deliberation, the Spokane City Council unanimously approved a $1.2 billion budget Monday with few changes from the proposal introduced by Mayor Nadine Woodward earlier this month.

Spokane is wrestling with how much it can ask voters to raise taxes next year

Spokane city leaders are in the midst of debating a thorny political question: What’s the best way to ask voters for higher taxes?

Spokane council members pressure federal lawmakers to protect kids by regulating social media companies

Spokane lawmakers are pressuring the region’s Congressional delegation to pass a slate of social media regulations aimed at protecting children.

Woodward concedes to Brown in Spokane mayor race

Spokane Mayor Nadine Woodward has conceded the election to mayor-elect Lisa Brown, who leads the incumbent by nearly 3,000 votes as of Monday night.

Shawn Vestal: The big money fell short, up and down the ballot

So we’ve got a good idea how the candidates and issues fared.

Spokane voters criminalize homeless camps near places children gather

Frustrated with the growing issue of visible homelessness and urban blight, Spokane voters have criminalized encampments within 1,000 feet of schools, parks, playgrounds and licensed child care facilities.

Wilkerson wins race for Spokane City Council president as liberals maintain control

Liberals maintained veto-proof control of the seven-person Spokane City Council, according to early results on election night.

‘One of the few places where a Democrat or a Republican could legitimately win’: Campaign contributions for hotly contested Spokane races are outpacing Seattle’s

Spokane’s elections are the hottest game in the state for wealthy donors, local and national real estate groups, unions and others hoping to influence voters this November.

Truth tester: Many claims in Spokane City Council election ads are misleading

Citywide races in Spokane may be drawing the most money and the most negative ads , but City Council candidates also are facing a deluge of attacks.

Truth testing: Negative ads color Spokane mayor, City Council President races

Local elections in Spokane have gone negative.

Another $6.1 million of COVID-relief funds will be used on beleaguered Trent homeless shelter

Another $6.1 million of federal COVID-relief funds will be spent to operate the city-run Trent Avenue homeless shelter for at least part of 2024.

Spokane Good Government Alliance wielding unprecedented fundraising to support Woodward and other candidates

Amid an unprecedented amount of money flooding into Spokane elections this year, one group stands alone: the Spokane Good Government Alliance.

Spokane City Council moves to make it easier for non-English speakers to interact with city government

The Spokane City Council voted unanimously Monday to begin to make it easier for residents who aren’t proficient in English to access city services with translation and interpretation assistance.

Spokane City Council president debate: Wilkerson, Plese spar on homelessness, public safety as Election Day nears

Policing and homelessness garnered much of the attention as candidates for Spokane City Council president took the Spokesman-Review-hosted debate stage Wednesday night at Gonzaga University.

Support for police takes centerstage in race for Spokane City Council president

Outside of the Spokane mayoral race, no local election on the November ballot has attracted as much attention and cash as has the contest for Spokane City Council president.

Spokane City Council increases hours when being in parks is an arrestable offense

The Spokane City Council on Monday added an extra hour to the timeframe during which someone can be arrested for being in city parks.

‘Never underestimate the power of coming together’: Unity in the Community brings different cultures together in Riverfront Park for 29th year

First founded in 1994, Unity in the Community began as an outgrowth of African Methodist Episcopal Church but soon grew to encompass all types of diversity found in Spokane.

A year after Spokane relaxed its rules to allow more duplexes, the city is looking to go further

Facing a housing crisis, Spokane launched a one-year pilot program last summer to encourage the construction of more homes on any given lot, even in areas that once only allowed single-family homes.