Idaho Records
Police Blotter
Kootenai County Sheriff
Richard Budvarson, Silverton, reported Tuesday the $2,000 theft of an outboard motor from his boat parked in his field in the 1800 block of Ramsey Road.
James Vandeweg reported Tuesday the $700 theft of a wood stove and a snowmobile from his rental in the 3000 block of Canal Ave.
Clifton McHenry reported Tuesday the $1,500 theft of his brother’s truck and tools in it while parked on a five-acre lot near Rathdrum.
Quentin Calapp reported Monday the $1,340 theft of cash from his home in the 5100 block of Highway 53, Rathdrum.
Coeur d’Alene Police
Earle Melodie reported Monday the $2,192 theft of a two-way radio, antenna, cellular phone and a computer program from the Welch/ Commer and Associates, 610 W. Hubbard, sometime in Sept. of 1993.
Bobby Wright, Cataldo, reported Tuesday the $1,000 theft of his ‘68 Chevy pickup from the 1800 block of Melrose, Coeur d’Alene.
Mathew Wheeler reported Monday the $750 theft of a Craftsman toolbox and tools from the Third St. dock area.
Noel Kimball reported Tuesday the $600 theft of stereo equipment from his truck parked in the 1000 block of Timber Lane.
Mark Mitchell reported Tuesday the $600 theft of a boys GT-BMX bike from a garage in the 1200 block of Coeur d’Alene Ave.
Michelle Kopriva and Jeremy Willis reported the $1,300 theft of stereo systems from their vehicles parked in the 1300 block of Stiner Ave.
Bonner County Sheriff
Charles Dehass, Sandpoint, reported Monday the theft of a Ruger rifle, a clip to a pistol, and miscellaneous ammunition from a locked shed in Elmira.
Henry Warlow, Hope, reported Tuesday that someone had scratched his Ford Explorer with a key, resulting in $1,200 damage.
Shoshone County Sheriff
Brian W. Williams, 25, of Osburn was charged with possession of controlled substances and drug paraphernalia after a one-vehicle accident east of Kellogg Tuesday. Williams lost control of his vehicle while passing, rolling it on its top. After officers arrived, the county’s drug dog found small amounts of heroin and methamphetamine in the vehicle. Williams sustained no serious injury.
Post Falls Police
Donald Boyd reported Monday the $5,300 theft of a welder, power tools and other miscellaneous items from a utility trailer parked at a construction site in the 3000 block of E. Seltice Way.
News of Record
Death notices
Bernard F. King, 76, Pinehurst.
Kenneth E. Abbey, 61, Powell, Wyo.
Marjorie W. Clark, 87, Coeur d’Alene.
For full obituary information, please see page D6.
Please see Friday’s Spokesman-Review for full obituary information on:
Amy F. Thurlow, 91, Sandpoint.
William K. Scott, 75, Coeur d’Alene.
Kootenai County
Civil complaints
Jim and Lisa Comett vs. Eagle Mobile Homes and RVs, seeking $2,512.
William Sundberg vs. Nick and Julie Woods, seeking $6,500.
Idaho Health and Welfare Department vs. Darrin Shupp, seeking $1,899.
Bedrooms Unlimited Inc. vs. Jack and Marilyn White, seeking $2,887.
Credit Bureau Services vs. Ronald and Kelley Kaloi, seeking $5,015.
Credit Bureau Services vs. Janet King, seeking $4,528.
Larry Van Slate vs. Daniel McIntyre, Krista McIntyre and Justin Nelson, seeking an amount to be proven in trial.
Rhea Hayden vs. American Western Real Estate Co. and Sharon Powell, seeking an amount to be proven in court.
Civil judgments
Beneficial Idaho Inc. vs. Robin Johnston, award of $1,338.
North Idaho Credit Corp. vs. Ronald and Laura Reinhardt, award of $1,438.
Civil dismissals
Beneficial Idaho Inc. vs. John Loyd.
Beneficial Idaho Inc. vs. Anthony and Karen Brandi.
Idaho Health and Welfare Department vs. Leo Bunker.
J & S Construction vs. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hundt.
Arlys Thomson vs. Nancy Fietson and Tammy Michaels.
Coeur d’Alene Credit Bureau Inc. vs. Mark and Kelly Bristlin.
North Idaho Credit Corp. vs. Daniel Hagen.
Julie Anderson vs. David Anderson.
Pamela Pfeifer vs. Raymond Pfeifer.
Johyn and Jane Swieter vs. Rockford Pines Community Inc., Judy Pogreba and Edna Gardner.
Randy Mullen vs. Lori Mullen.
Divorce complaints
Katherine Montoya from Jeffrey Montoya.
Dolores Lindgren from Gary Lindgren.
Catherine Schmier from Joseph Schmier.
Teresa Jones Merkley from Wayne Merkley.
Kim Myers from David Myers.
Divorces granted
Thomas Parker from Theresa Parker.
Bonner County
Criminal complaints
Colleen Kelly, 33, Athol; driving without privileges; $248 fine, 10 days in jail (eight days suspended), one year probation.
Jack Miller, 42, Sandpoint; count I: failure to purchase driver’s license; $1,000 fine ($500 suspended), 180 days in jail (90 days suspended), two years probation. Count II: driving without privileges; $200 fine, 10 days in jail.