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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

We’re Responsible For Kids’ Welfare

Cheryl A. Steele

There are many Rachel Carvers in this world. Unfortunately she was one of many children who suffer every day in Spokane. Why do people wait for the tragedy to finally take notice? Every person in this city has a responsibility to all children. If we see something that is not right, if we know for a fact that a child is living in an unsafe environment, then we should do something about it. Don’t wait till the child is in the hospital or dead to say something.<

Children are our most valuable resource and yet we continue to ignore the signs that our future is in trouble. We must believe in one another and never depend on state services to be the answer to our troubles; however, we must hold service providers accountable for the services that our tax dollare are paying for. All state and city employees live in neighborhoods, next door to you and me and the Rachel Carvers of this city. We are the service providers. We must do better business to make children safe.

Notice all children from birth to adulthood. If something is good, tell them. If something feels wrong or looks bad, ask. If you don’t know what to do, call your fellow citizens with professional expertise and ask and keep asking until satisfied or change is made. Change requires courage. Rally support to make changes in laws that protect children. We are the village, and we must all raise the children because times are different. Living in your space and not helping others is not good for our future.


This sidebar appeared with the story: Steele is program coordinator for Spokane C.O.P.S.