Mail-Order Brownies Really Deliver
There are a lot of things people order by mail, but brownies usually aren’t among them.
That may be because most people haven’t tried the “truffle brownies” - cake-like crust outside, chewy center inside - from Chocolate Expectations in Walla Walla.
In five rich flavors, including a white-and-dark “Death by Chocolate,” they bring a whole new meaning to C.O.D. - chocolate or die!
Price: $6.20 plus $3.95 shipping and handling for an assortment of five; other gift packs available.
Available: Chocolate Expectations, 213 S. Ninth Ave., Walla Walla, WA 99362 (529-6354). Also sold individually in various stores, including Gourmet Gift Express and Street Music in Spokane.
, DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Color Photo
MEMO: Do you have a food find? Send it to: Food Finds, Features Department, The Spokesman-Review, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210. Call 459-5446; fax 459-5098.