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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Drivers Bring Meals And More Meals On Wheels Volunteers Honored For Their Service To Elderly And Disabled

Ward Sanderson Staff Writer

About 150 people who give the gift of get-up-and-go were honored Wednesday with an appreciation luncheon, sponsored by the Spokane Valley Meals on Wheels program.

The volunteers are drivers who collectively deliver 200 meals per day to the home-bound, elderly or disabled. The drivers also provide another valuable service - checking in on people who might not have visitors otherwise.

“It’s real important for these people to be recognized,” said Sandra McMillan, the group’s volunteer coordinator. “A lot of them do a lot more than deliver meals … little things.”

Little things like giving someone a ride to a doctor’s appointment or just hanging around to chat. And some of the drivers are elderly themselves.

“Hugh Wunsch and Tom Rogers are both in their 80s, so they deliver often to people younger than they are but whose health isn’t as good,” McMillan said.

But volunteers run the age gamut.

“Most of our drivers are retired, but we do have a few young moms who take their children with them,” she said. “A few (parents) do home schooling, some people go on their lunch hour.”

A special group of longtime drivers were honored for their stick-to-itiveness.

Drivers volunteering for longer than 15 years were Norma Trefry, driving since 1973; Hugh Wunsch, since 1976; and Tom Rogers, since 1978.

Those celebrating their 15th year are Frances Carter and Frank and Marge Doherty.

Ten-year veterans were Lois and Dale McHenry and June and Carl Spencer.

Honorees celebrating five years of service were Connie Arkell, Cathy Bonin, Joanne and Ed Rieger, Brooke and Rose Fink, and Don Trapp.

, DataTimes