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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Pocatello Agency Helps People Find A Home Neighborhoods Revitalized With Sweat Equity

Associated Press

Most of the homes that former congressman Richard Stallings and his staff help people buy or renovate are less than palatial, but the homeowners don’t mind.

Most are more than happy to roll up their sleeves and earn a little sweat equity if it will mean a roof of their own over their heads.

“The people who come to us are not looking for a handout, but a hand up,” said Stallings, executive director of the Pocatello Neighborhood Housing Service.

The former four-term Democratic lawmaker, who was a Ricks College history professor before being elected to Congress, admits he still has things to learn after three months on the job. But he talks with enthusiasm and pride about what his non-profit organization has been able to do to help revitalize older neighborhoods.

“I was at a conference in Chicago recently and they were amazed at what we’ve been doing here in such a short time,” Stallings said. “We were the talk of the town.”

The housing service last year renovated a brick home on North Main Street and converted it into offices for its staff. The house is in one of six older neighborhoods targeted for revitalization.

The organization is a partnership of business, residents and government agencies. Most of its board members are neighborhood representatives, and the service’s clients do not meet bank criteria for mortgage or home improvement loans.

“We aren’t taking business away from the banks. They will often refer people to us,” Stallings said.

Banks also provide personnel to teach classes for first-time home buyers. Stallings said the classes are mandatory for clients who get home purchase assistance from the service.

Business has been brisk this year. The 1995 goal for home purchases was 20, and that mark was hit by the end of July. Stallings anticipates another 10 home purchases will go through this year. Most are in the $50,000 to $60,000 range.