Hints From Heloise
Dear Heloise: Help! For several years I’ve delighted friends with gifts of great simmering scents of spices (cinnamon sticks, cloves, etc). I think the recipe appeared in your column some time ago. I’ve lost my copy. - Lorene Waters, Dallas, Texas
You’ll love this wonderful mixture of aromas.
Simply combine 2 cups of rosemary, 1/2 cup whole allspice, 2 cups rose petals, 2 cups mint, 2 whole cloves and 4 cinnamon sticks in a large jar.
Next, measure out some white household vinegar - several cups will do. You kind of have to guess. Heat on the stove or in the microwave and then pour over the potpourri mixture. Let it “cure” for a week to 10 days. Your homemade potpourri should be just right to use in your simmering pot. Enjoy! - Heloise