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Hints From Heloise

King Features Syndicate

Dear Heloise: While visiting a friend, we were power shopping with a baby and stroller. We needed to free up our tired arms to view items, and I couldn’t help but think there has to be a better way to carry all these packages with this stroller. Finally, an idea came to mind that I thought you might like to share with your readers.

We went to a store where you can buy shower curtains and purchased a package of inexpensive plastic shower-curtain rings. I clipped them on the stroller handle and every time we would make a purchase, we would simply open one ring and add the bag to it. Of course the bag needs to have handles of some kind. You’d be surprised how many packages we could carry on the stroller and the time we saved not having to make trips to the car. It made shopping much easier. - Karen Parsons, Rootstown, Ohio

Hints like this are on the mark. However, please make sure the bags don’t weigh more than the baby, or the carriage could be doing wheelies! - Heloise