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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Paving Delayed On Sherman Avenue

From Staff And Wire Reports

Curb work is complete on the East Sherman Avenue project, but engineers overseeing the project said Friday that paving from 18th to 13th streets has been set back at least until next week.

The weather didn’t cooperate in drying out the gravel roadbed. Workers now are counting on sunshine to allow the paving work to continue.

Despite the delay, the project remains ahead of schedule, engineers said, with sidewalks completed up to 11th Street. They still hope to finish the entire project by May 21, nearly a month before the planned deadline.

Slated for completion next week are sidewalks to 8th Street and asphalt installation as far as 12th - weather permitting. Signal loops also are due to be installed at the 15th Street intersection.

, DataTimes