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L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

“Rarely does a counselor save a marriage. What saves a marriage, if it’s to be saved maybe one out of two - is the willingness of the partners to go to a counselor.” That’s Item No. 8816C in our Love and War man’s files on match repair.

Those scientific detectives who examine ancient human skeletons can tell you whether the subjects ate meat or vegetables, or if both, in what proportions.

The New York Yankees’ spring training facility, Legends Field, is in Tampa, Fla. The number on the door of the umpires’ room there is in Braille.

A sculptor’s work bench is called a banker.

A study of the largest 20 U.S. cities indicates that Houston has the most trees - about 956,700.

There were specific times and places in ancient Arabia where people could win tax exemption by bathing regularly.

Q. What’s the most frequent crime committed by women?

A. Illegal check writing. You remember the two saddest words in the English language, don’t you? “Insufficient funds.” Desperate men with Saturday night specials terrorize towns, quite true, but they’re outnumbered considerably by desperate women with ballpoint pens.