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Kristin Orton Chosen Post Falls Rotary Student For November

Kristin Orton, daughter of Matthew and Robin Orton of Post Falls, has been chosen as the Post Falls Rotary Student of the Month for November.

Orton, who is active in Idaho Girls State Delegate, National Honor Society, Idaho Drug Free Youth and Spanish Club, was also chosen as a Tom Addis Dodge Student of the Month and was selected for a University of Idaho Top Scholar Award.

She has served as the captain of the varsity cheerleaders, vice president of Key Club, secretary/ treasurer of the senior class, and is a teen volunteer at Kootenai Medical Center.

She plans to attend the University of Idaho and study dietetics.

Michael L. Matier, Coeur d’Alene, has enlisted in the Army Reserve and has become a member of Company B, 321st Engineer Battalion in Hayden Lake, Idaho.

Lakeland Junior High School has chosen the students of the month for November. Students and their grade levels are listed.

Debbie Temple, ninth grade, daughter of Robert and Deborah Krause of Rathdrum; Matt Adams, eighth grade, son of Roger and Barbra Adams of Spirit Lake, Idaho; and Erin Bell, seventh grade, daughter of Duncan and Sherry Bell of Rathdrum.

Students were selected based on respect for others, willingness to learn, positive attitudes and interpersonal skills. Each received a Lakeland Hawks sweatshirt donated by local businesses.

, DataTimes MEMO: Contact for Idaho Achievements is Sherry Adkins. Tell us about your achievements by writing to: Achievements, The Spokesman-Review, Suite 200, 608 Northwest Blvd., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814. Pictures must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Contact for Idaho Achievements is Sherry Adkins. Tell us about your achievements by writing to: Achievements, The Spokesman-Review, Suite 200, 608 Northwest Blvd., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814. Pictures must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.