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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Cannon’s Addition Panel Considering Expansion

Residents living in the Historic Cannon’s Addition of southwest Spokane are thinking about inviting the people around them to join their neighborhood council organization.

The Spokane City Council last fall established a new neighborhood council in Cannon’s Addition to help guide delivery of city services there.

It is one of the first three neighborhood councils formed under a plan by the mayor and council to involve neighborhood residents in issues such as parks, growth management and crime-fighting.

Cannon’s Addition is a fairly small neighborhood, with only about 1,400 residents.

Janet Davis, a neighborhood leader, said the boundaries for the new neighborhood council could be expanded south of 14th Avenue to 29th Avenue and east of Cedar Street to Bernard Street.

That would allow the neighborhood panel to speak for a much broader area of southwest Spokane and would give residents living in the larger area a stronger voice at City Hall.

A meeting has been scheduled for 7 p.m. March 4 at the Woman’s Club of Spokane, 1428 W. Ninth, to discuss possible expansion of the neighborhood council’s area.

Cannon’s Addition has been one of the most active neighborhoods in the city in recent years, working to maintain the livability of its older residential areas.

, DataTimes