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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Outstanding Warrants

Kootenai County has a backlog of 4,000 outstanding arrest warrants. Officials are asking the public for any information about the following people, who are identified by name, age, last known city of residence, the charge and the bond amount on the warrant. If you have any information, contact the sheriff’s department at (208) 664-1511.


William D. Hahn 33, Spokane, failure to appear/non-sufficient funds checks (three counts), $5,000 bond.

Terry J. Lynch 23, Greenacres, Wash., parole violation/eluding, $5,000 bond.

Cameron A. Maloof 20, Coeur d’Alene, failure to appear/possession of methamphetamine, $3,000 bond.

Connie J. Norman 29, Coeur d’Alene, non-sufficient funds checks, $1,000 bond.


Teresa W. Adamson 34, Post Falls, contempt/malicious injury, $475 bond.

Patrick L. Burton 39, Rathdrum, contempt/driving while suspended, $366 bond.

Corinna S. Carter 26, Post Falls, contempt/driving while suspended, $70 bond.

Virgil R. Crockett 75, Coeur d’Alene, contempt/driving while suspended, $72 bond.

Cheryl A. Haynes 36, Rathdrum, contempt/invalid driver’s license, $251 bond.

Robert W. Hill 37, Coeur d’Alene, contempt/driving while suspended, $200 bond.

James R. Howard 40, Post Falls, contempt/driving under the influence, $368 bond.

Charles V. Huckabee 34, Cocolalla, contempt/reckless driving, $13 bond.

James S. Johnston 49, Coeur d’Alene, contempt/driving under the influence, failure to appear/driving under the influence, driving while suspended, hit and run accident, $1,841 bond.

John R. Kushman 27, Spokane, contempt/driving while suspended, $366 bond.

Brent L. Lemons 42, Post Falls, contempt/driving under the influence, driving while suspended, $636 bond.

Dwayne E. Mattson 22, Coeur d’Alene, contempt/invalid driver’s license, $57 bond.

Kaley R. Smoke 22, Coeur d’Alene, contempt/possession of paraphernalia, disturbing the peace, $357 bond.

Gregory D. Swanson 28, Hayden, contempt/driving under the influence, $622 bond.

Patrick L. Williams 30, Worley, contempt/driving under the influence, $260 bond.

Most contempt warrants can be taken care of by contacting the Kootenai County courthouse and paying an outstanding fine. More wanted felons can be found on the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Department Internet home page at

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