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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Little things that can make a big difference

Joann Derson King Features Syndicate

•”To remove excess fat before using your slow cooker, brown meats first, then add. The excess fat gets drained away instead of being added into your sauce.” — A.H. in Colorado

•Put chalk in a toolbox to prevent rust.

•Patti of Orlando, Fla., gave us this great hint: “On outside potted plants, use a spare piece of wire screen to keep soil in the bottom of the planter. It works way better than a coffee filter.”

•Going shopping for a specific item that you saw in the sale pages? Call the store before you head out, and make sure the sale item is still in stock.

•”Unload the bottom rack of the dishwasher first. This way, you won’t wet the dishes on the bottom if any pooled water on the top shelf spills. I thought everyone did it this way, but then my boyfriend thought I was such a genius that I figured I would share this hint with others!” — A Reader via e-mail

•”When confronted with a phone call from a charity requesting a donation, I always ask that the organization send literature to me by mail. I generally do not give out personal information over the phone, and especially not when a person has called ME. Reputable organizations are happy to send information by mail.” — E.O. in Pennsylvania

•Tax tip: Don’t overlook the possibility of a deduction for child-care expenses, energy-efficiency upgrades you might have made or donations made to a qualified charity. These can really add up! Make sure you keep your receipts throughout the year.