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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

LC, CV students to aid Ugandan children

Students at Lewis and Clark High School and Central Valley High School are hoping to raise funds and awareness for children in Northern Uganda.

The Invisible Children Leadership Team has adopted the Anakara Secondary School in the country and wants to raise enough money to get the school clean water and clean pit latrines.

Around 40 students from Lewis and Clark and about 100 students from Central Valley have banded together to help children in a region of the world that have endured genocide, civil war, and displacement from their homes.

The groups will show the movie “Invisible Children” today and Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Empyrean, 154 S. Madison St.

The event is free, but donations will be taken. The students will also sell T-shirts, and all of the proceeds will benefit the Invisible Children’s fund.

Saturday at 1 p.m., the Lewis and Clark students and many more from around town will meet at the Clock Tower in Riverfront Park and walk to the stoplights around the park to collect donations for the project.

For more information, call Leanne Donley at Central Valley High School at 228-5142, or Carolyn Petek at 354-6962.

New student chapel

Gonzaga Preparatory School, 1224 E. Euclid Ave., has dedicated its new student chapel, the Chapel of the Three Companions.

The $2.5 million, 6,000-square-foot chapel will seat 350 people. More than 450 people helped to raise the funds needed to build it.

The first Mass held in the chapel was celebrated by Bishop William Skylstad on Monday for the benefactors, faculty, staff and student leaders. The students of Gonzaga Prep gathered Tuesday to celebrate their first Mass in the chapel.

The new chapel was named after the three founding members of the Jesuits: St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis Xavier and Bl. Peter Faber.