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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Yes, please judge this book by its cover

Donna’s Day

By Donna Erickson King Features Syndicate

Whenever I visit my friends’ homes, one of the first things I notice when I walk through the door are the signs of family life. There might be a baseball bat and flip-flops strewn haphazardly in the entryway or an empty orange-juice carton on the counter that hasn’t made it to the recycle bin.

But what really captures my attention are the odds and ends that have become keepsakes and family treasures. I’m drawn to the priceless kids’ artwork in inexpensive IKEA frames hanging in the hallway, or the nature-find collection glued to a mayonnaise jar “vase” with freshly picked zinnias spilling out in all directions.

Here’s another sign of family life that you can leave on your coffee table — and one that invites you to leaf through.

It’s a book with a homemade cover that gives a clue about the story that’s sandwiched between front and back. Publish it together with your kids before summer is over and your thoughts turn to fall activities. This Summer 2008 memory catcher will speak volumes about what you did and who you are as a family.

Here’s How

•Grab an empty scrapbook and fill it with jottings, postcards, photos and memorabilia from your family’s summer outings and vacation. We like to use a large spiral-bound artist tablet (available at art and discount stores).

•Then decorate a piece of poster board and attach it to the sketchbook’s original cover. Your cover might show a scraggly bit of lichen glued onto small pieces of driftwood and arranged to frame a photo of the north-woods cabin you slept in. Or maybe you have a glowing pink seashell or two that you picked up along the shore.

•Put your eye-catching story out for everyone to see. Thumb through it often with your kids and see how, together, you make traditions out of your shared experiences.

Donna Erickson’s award-winning television series “Donna’s Day” airs on public television nationwide. Visit to find out when it airs on your local PBS station and to sign up for Donna’s e-newsletter.