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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Stay healthy this winter

Senior News Line

By Matilda Charles King Features Syndicate

Winters are sometimes difficult, but there are steps we can take to stay healthy during cold weather.

•Ask your doctor if you should get a flu shot and inquire about the pneumonia vaccine as well. This year there is plenty of flu vaccine to go around. To find locations in your area that are giving shots, go to and put in your ZIP code. You can also call your local health department or hospital for information about locations. If you have Medicare Part B, the shot is free.

•If your grocery store provides antiseptic wipes in the cart area, use those on the handles and seat to kill germs that are likely lingering.

•Guard against hypothermia when you venture outdoors. Not only do you need to dress warmly, but good nutrition can help the body weather a chill. Wear a hat! Heat rises, and we lose the majority of our body heat through the top of our head! Fingers and toes need special care, too. Mittens provide more warmth than gloves.

•Even indoors we need to stay warm — staying chilled for too long lowers the body’s resistance to germs. Light layers of clothing trap body heat better than one thick layer.

•The floors where you live might be colder than the rest of the room, even if you have carpet. Check doors to see if there is a draft coming in at the bottom. Even a rolled-up towel can block cold air and conserve heat in the room.

•Beware electrical room heaters. If you have an old one, check with senior services in your area to see if they are giving out new ones. Be sure to keep the heater away from furniture or anything flammable.

Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Write to her in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to