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Get a taste of Wilbur’s Whitestone Winery

Lorie Hutson

Wander to Wilbur, Wash., for a taste of the wine grape harvest at Whitestone Winery on Saturday.

Winemaker Michael Haig will release the newest version of his award-winning red blend, Pieces of Red, v. 4.11.

The winery will be open for tours and Haig will explain the winemaking process. Guests also will be able to taste grapes from the Whitestone vineyard north of town on Lake Roosevelt, as well as wine from the barrels and current releases.

There will be brats and burgers from Egger’s Meats on the grill.

The winery is open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and tickets are $5. For more information, go to www.whitestone or call (509) 647-5325.

Pass the cheese, please

The Moscow Food Co-op will offer nibbles of an array of cheeses during its first Cheese Festival on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Tables will feature artisan cheeses including cheddars, bleus, and aged and washed-rind cheeses, along with such classic pairings as chutneys, crackers and fruit.

Vendors include Organic Valley, Cougar Gold, Monteillet, Rogue Creamery, Vermont Butter and Cheese, Rolling Stone Chevre and Larkhaven.

The co-op is located at 121 East Fifth Street in downtown Moscow, Idaho.

Not dead yet

Toast the dearly departed with Thomas Hammer coffee during a fundraiser and Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebration Friday.

The Lands Council and Thomas Hammer Coffee introduce the coffee roaster’s new Columbian Eco-Brew. Samples of Central and South American brews will be offered.

DeLeon Foods is catering the event, which will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. at Thomas Hammer headquarters, 210 W. Pacific Ave.

Tickets are $35 per person or $60 for two. Contact Kristi Fountain at (509) 209-2851 or kfountain@lands

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